So my Paris trip was done and my 2nd stop was Brussels I dint know that traveling from 1 country to another was so easy.
Ill show how I easily manage to travel by myself from Paris to Brussels.
There are 3 ways to travel from Paris to Brussels
- Air
- Road
- Rail
The most cheaper way to travel in Europe during summer season is by Rail
Euro rails are the most convenient and cheaper way to travel.
You don’t need to search for any agent or tour company to book for your rail tickets you can do it by yourself.
The SNCF (national society of French rail roads) offer their app on a Play Store where you can easily booked the train , bus or private vehicle with a driver to travel any where inside the Europeans region.
Following steps you need to take care while booking your tickets
Don’t get confused while choosing your station there are 3 - 4 station in Paris so select very carefully.
Enter your both destination carefully
There are 3 station in Paris so please enter your station name which is nearby to you.
I was staying closed to Paris nord so I decided to take a train from Paris nord to Brussels midi.
To get the best rate to avoid high price tickets you need to book your tickets in advance at least 50 days before you will get the best deal.
Benefits of travelling by railway
No immigration
No long Que
Only when you reached to your platform your tickets are been checked with your identity ( passport) and you are free to go. They also come inside the train for ticket checking.
Luggage storage is train is so spacious you have to store your luggage outside your seating area. They have made a space for luggage storage make sure you tie your luggage with the chain and lock we heard people saying luggage gets stolen from the train.
They also have one whole coach for pantry in the train where you can have a quick bite or beer or grab a coffee. They also have very nice seating area where you can enjoy outside view on running train.
After 2.5 hours we reached to Brussels central.
I opened my google maps to search my hotel,It was 10 mins walking from the station.
Hotel orts.
5 mins walk to Grand place
10 mins walk to Manneken Pis
10mins walk to Brussels railway station
10 mins walk to bus stop.
There are very few sight seeing in Brussels
The Grand Place
Morning view
Night view
There are many free walking tours where local tour guide take you with them after your free tour is over you can give them a tip as in thank you.
We took an orange umbrella free walking tour where they told us the history about the the grand place and Manneken Pis also they took us to the most famous Belgium waffle cafe where they were 105 different kind of waffles and variety of Belgium hand made chocolates.
Are you a beer fan than Belgium is your real place they have 1500 brands and 700 different taste in beers I tried one it was very sour.
What mostly I saw in Brussels there are many small bar on the road side where people love to sit and enjoy their drink.
I found Brussels very quite and peaceful.