
大雪山是相當美麗的賞螢地點,每年的 4-6 月正是螢火蟲的熱門季節


Hi @user_not_found

Wowwwwwww, beautiful, I love firefly so much. All pictures are nicely taken by you. Thanks for sharing.

If you want, you can check my balcony garden picture Here


Amazing @user_not_found . So is the emitted light this green color or is this the filter on your camera?

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no prob :sunglasses:

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This is the color I adjusted through the software post-production
The actual color is slightly yellow, I think green makes the fireflies more prominent


What a wonderful writeup @user_not_found

I like fireflies too. But right now in the cities we hardly see them. I don’t know why.

@user_not_found Remember to use (@) to tag Local Guides in your comment in other to get them notified you’re referring to them. Just like this @Austinelewex

Best regards.

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@Austinelewex Thank you for your introduction, I’m still not very familiar with this interface, oh! I finally know how to use it
This is a firefly from Taiwan, welcome to come and see them :grin:

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You’re welcome friend.

Stay tuned… you will learn more about connect. As you just did in this one… :+1:t4: :clap:t5: :clap:t5:

Best regards

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@Austinelewex This is really an interesting platform
we can see different content shared by others

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