Tips to add a new place on maps

Tips for adding a place

This is #lgtips #2, do you remember the first video?

This is shorter, and really easy to understand.

How to successful add a place to maps?

Here is my simple list of tips with a simple social media video

  1. turn on location services on your phone, if available, use enhanced precision
  2. check if there is a previous business on maps with the same street address: if yes, send a closure update BEFORE
  3. add the place while you are there
  4. use Android, ad add as many details you can, including a geo-referenced photo of the store
  5. enjoy and repeat!

Let me know if these simple tips are helpful and share with me your issues in adding places.


@LucioV Ji, Helpful Lesson. Great…Thank You.


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Great tips by great @LucioV

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Hi @LucioV ,

Informative as always, thank you for the for the fun and easy-to-follow video!

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Sure,these are very useful tips!Thank you @LucioV

Can you advice me how add some information and review after visiting exhibition,shop for example?My geo locaton was turned on.

Best wishes,



Thanks a lot @helga19 @sonnyNg @NeerajKumarIndia and @NandKK !

It’s a very short and easy video, but, nowadays, adding a new business is really an easy and straightforward process, if you follow some tips!