When I was living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, I adopted the habit of having a warm cup of a powerful mix: ginger, honey, and lemon. It was part of my breakfast, and I used to call it the Morning Brew.
The warmth of the hot ginger was a perfect match to the fresh and rainy days of the Ethiopian HighLands. Contrary to what many believe, the average temperature during the “rainy season” can go as low as 10ºC in the heart of the city, with an average night temperature of around 16-18ºC.
My recipe is simple, and you only need 4 ingredients: water, ginger, honey, and lemon or lime. To prepare it, all you have to do is peel the ginger root, grate it, and pour boiling water. Once it is evident that the ginger has been infused (you can tell by the appearance and smell of the water), you can squeeze a lemon or lime juice and mix it with as much honey as you like. The amount to add from each ingredient depends on your tolerance to spiciness, citric and sweet flavors.
Since I am back in the Dominican Republic, I have changed my breakfast habits, but whenever I am sick and need to reconnect with that warm flavor, I go back to my Morning Brew.
Have you tried anything like it? If so, when and where?
Certainly an aromatic flavour combination @Marichams I’m not a big fan of ginger so would substitute that but lemon and honey - that’s a winner anytime! I regularly have both in my tea.
Hi @Marichams
Thanks for sharing with us a great yummu food dishe! Love to eat this ,
Have a great day my friend!

Pls click here to see my recent posts
Hi @Marichams
Melihatmu bersantai di balkon dengan cangkir di tangan itu sungguh terlihat keren di mataku . Pose yang sempurna untuk menggambarkan suasana semangat untuk memulai kegiatan di pagi hari .
Sarapanmu juga terlihat sangat sehat .aku merasakan energi positif mu yang terus aktif dan energic . Sehat selalu ya untuk kita semua .
Salam hangat
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@Marichams looks tasty! thanks a lot for sharing!
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@Marichams аппетитно выглядит
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The honey-lemon combination is part of the Dominican remedies for colds @PaulPavlinovich . Grandmas used to “prescribe” it as a blade to cut your illness and boost the immune system. Do you use it the same way in Australia?
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Hi @MAHBUB_HYDER , thanks for your comment. Have you ever tried that tasty combination before?
Thanks for those kind words @Nyainurjanah ! Indeed it is a fantastic energy booster, perfect to start the day on the right track! And yes, I try to eat as healthy as possible (until some desserts or parties get in my way
), and breakfast is one of the best moments to do so! I am now curious, and dear to ask: what would “a normal breakfast” be for you?
It is tasty indeed @marcorp ! Have you ever tried that combination?
It is appetizing indeed @DemidPavlov ! I think that I can only describe the result as a “flavor explosion”! Tell me, from 1 to 10, how much do you (dis)like the mix of those 3 ingredients?
It is used that way @Marichams sometimes we add eucalyptus too.
@Marichams Looks tasty. I really like ginger 
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