The Last Carnival - The Lost Carnival - Share your Photos

We probably didn’t notice, but today is Shrove Tuesday, the last day of Carnival. For decades the world has stopped, on the day dedicated to madness. This year, when the world is already at a standstill, due to other kinds of problems, Carnival seems to be a distant memory.

I was reminded of a wrong photo, a photo taken on the Rialto Bridge during the 2019 Carnival. A photo that I had never used, but which, for some reason, I never wanted to delete

Just a year ago, in these days, the world began to stop, and the Venice carnival took place in a minor tone.
But we still talked about it, in a lot of post starting from the “official one” from a Googler, (The Venetian Carnival: A celebration of beauty and fun ), but also with a lot of post from all over the world. Just to mention a few other post of 2020:

And of course I don’t forget 2019, when I wrote a post including also the history of Carnival: How do you celebrate Carnival?

This year I haven’t seen posts about Carnival, that’s why I said “The LOST Carnival”

Well, we will have a Carnival again in the future, and in those days we will remember 2020-2021 as one of the most unforgettable moments of our life. Here in Venice, the Lost Carnival and The Last Carnival travel together.

How was your last Carnival? Would you like to tell us here with a photo and a few words?

Meanwhile, I look at this video again, and I rediscover that note of sadness that the Venice carnival always gives us, and that this year, looking at it again, looks like a video of memories


Thanks for that :slightly_smiling_face:

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You are welcome @saulobrandao

Is it possible to celebrate the carnival this year in Salvador?

Hello dear @ErmesT

Thank you so much for your post and photos.

Undoubtedly the Venice festival is the most colorful,bright,interesting,noisy and cheerful in Italy.Every year, thousands of tourists from all over the world came to Venice to see this unforgettable sight.I know that my friends in Moscow always took a vacation in February to visit the festival and bring a mask. “The lost Festival” is the name in the mass media, and I do not want to end our memories of it on this sad note. Of course, it is very sad that the festival did not take place.But I do not want to believe that it will not take place again.I want to be optimistic and believe in good and bright times, that this tradition will be revived and we will again rejoice and admire this spectacle. I want to return to Treviso again, I want to see my friends again, become close and once again have a wonderful wine tour and meet with local guides. But unfortunately it will not be soon((

. I really liked your wonderful video, and the atmosphere of romantic Italy, as it will remain for me forever! :heart:

Best regards from Russia,



Thank you so much @helga19 , how are you?

Is your friend a mask lover?

Venice is indeed a perfect place for buying beautiful masks


Hello @ErmesT !
Thank you for noting me and my post about “The carnival in Xanthi”

So far, I have attended only two major carnivals near Bulgaria, one in the town of Strumica in Northern Macedonia and the other in the town of Xanthi in Greece.

I will share some information about the Strumica Carnival. It has a centuries-old tradition and is dedicated to engaged couples, who at the end of the carnival the girls have to recognize their fiancé under the mask.
The date of his celebration changes according to Easter. The city is a member of the International Association of Carnival Cities and a festive fiesta is held for 4 days.

What I took from the local information network is that this year the carnival in Xanthi will be online. It will be held from different halls in the city without an audience, following all strict hygiene protocols.
The title of the carnival will be “Halloween with the wrong mask” Xanthi Mayor Manolis Tsepelis will announce the start of the celebrations on February 28.

Both carnivals bring together many locals and guests from neighboring countries and have a lot of fun.

I really want to visit the Carnival in Venice, but every year I postponed it for various reasons. I hope next 2022 and if the measures are relaxed I will visit it.

Best Regards!


@ErmesT Actually we have lost a lot of things lot of happiness a lot of festivals during last year of pandemic I don’t know whether we will achieve these joyness and happiness again are not I never visited venus but Venus is one of top 3 wish list of mine although I don’t have pictures to share but I can say one thing we also have lost a lot of festivals here in Pakistan which I missing badly


Thanks for your reply, @mockata2

I had the opportunity to visit Xanthi long time ago in summertime, and I enjoyed the beauty of the town. Hope you will be able to come to Venice next year, and of course we will be able to have a Carnival. If so, it will be a great moment of happiness

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I believe you are missing a lot of events, like everyone in the world, @Muhammad_Usman

That’s why I titled my post “the lost carnival”. After one year of lock-down, my dream was to have the possibility for some celebration, even if with “no crowd”.

Well, unfortunately in the Venice Carnival, no crowd is a contradiction

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Same feeling here @ErmesT I pray God please give us relief from this painful time and I hope as far as Pakistan concern God will relief us soon.

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I wish God will listen your prayers, @Muhammad_Usman , and I wish people will stay as safe as we can.

Unfortunately I know very well what this pandemic means, and I hope it will end soon

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We’ve lost many things over the last year that were previously a strong part of our lives @ErmesT those things shall return again in time and will once again become part of our world. Thanks for sharing your memories. I too have images which are technically poor but I keep them for sentimental reasons.


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