The Dazzling Night Beauty Of The Loha Prasat.Bangkok,Thailand.

During my visit in Bangkok,Thailand back in 2017. I was wondering the Ratchadamnoen Klang Road near Democracy Monument at night for capturing some photo of night-deck of Bangkok.It was my last night at Bangkok. After passing the beautiful democracy monument, suddenly I noticed a beautiful dazzling tower from far. It was shining bright like a huge diamond in the dark.
I rushed their. It was attracting me like a magnet. I quickly captured some photo, as I was using a crop frame with a 50mm lens as well as I left my tripod at the hotel room.So, I had to struggle lot for getting a nice steady shot.
After capturing some photo I found a place to rest my legs as I was walking for long time and open the google map to learn more about the place.After knowing the name I searched on google for knowing more. The tower Is known as Loha Prasat in Thai and Iron Castle in English.A Buddhist temple. I found some interesting and educational fact about the Loha Prasat.
The Loha Prasat was built in the year of 1846 by the order of King Nangklao (Rama III) for his beloved granddaughter Princes Somanass Waddhanawathy
Its a composition of 5 towers.The outer,middle and the centre towers contain black iron Spires.Amomg them there are 37 golden spires.The 37 golden spires represents the 37 virtues that are required to reach enlightenment according to Buddhism.

Whatever! I still regret that I didn’t get a chance to visit this place from inside or in day light. I won’t miss next time. If you are planning a trip to Bangkok, must add this place to your list. And try to enjoy the beauty both day and night time.

If you like this article or its helpful.If you think it is a lengthy post and tough to read, let me know your valuable opinion. I will try my best to correct my mistakes in the next post.
And all my fellow local guides from Bangkok here, and whoever visited this beautiful place, don’t forget to share your photo and opinion below in the comment section.
Happy Guiding!

Night View Of Loha Prasat.


Very nicely written & really interesting, LG @Abir_BD

Your style of narration is good tempting to read.

As well you hinted your knowledge on cameras, which I usually miss in this forum.

Looking at your photo I could feel that you badly missed the “Tripod” (I have tried to rejuvenate your photo in Here.).

The content & flow of this post is really amazing.

Enjoyed a lot - thanks for sharing.

I refer this post to collaborative team members:
@Dr_AlwyPaul @Harsha_Reddy @Nagavijay

All the best to you all


I love Night photography too.

Check out this One of the Al Noor Mosque by @KIOFI

It’s a beautiful place befitting of a Princess indeed. I never knew Buddhism was practised in Thailand, now, I know.

@Abir_BD I know you only need positive criticism, try to sieve through all you are told, there is only one Abir, that’s you. Keep being original while following the rules


That’s a nice photo @Abir_BD

Thank you for sharing your experience


:+1: … @Ewaade_3A

Hope liked the post

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Thanks a lot for you inspiration. I appreciate that.



Thanks a lot sir. i tried my best to make it easy to read with a little historical information. i am glad that you loved it. Basically I’m an amateur photographer. In my Thailand trip i missed a wide angle lens so badly. Then in 2019 before India trip I decided to bought a 13mm wide angle lens. And I cover some places with the 13mm. and the results were awesome. I am adding a very dramatic photo of the Olakaneeswara Temple here for you to see.



You are inspiring me a lot. You are so good. I will always try to post like this.

Thanks a lot. :grinning:


Hey @Abir_BD

Beautiful photo and very well written post.

Thank you @TravellerG sir for tagging me in here.

Thank you.

Regards, HR.


Welcome, @Harsha_Reddy


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Which camera have you used, friend @Abir_BD

Looks good.


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Thanks a lot.

I used a canon 6D Mark ii. And a samyang 13mm manual lens.Photo was taken hand held.

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