Tandem Skydiving over Taupo

Jumping out of a plane at 15000 ft (4572 metres) is amazing adrenaline filled experience. Doing it over some of the worlds most spectacular scenery is another amazing experience.

I’ve skydived over Taupo several times but this time I managed to get my wife to do it. Not only did I get her to do the jump, we had a challenge to jump in Taupo and then 24 hours later jump over Queenstown.

See Google Maps here https://goo.gl/maps/Hw8trDQCdRH2 and some of my photos here https://photos.app.goo.gl/XgTwakmuUG2WFCrf8


Se ve fantástico @TheEagleEye , pero estoy seguro que yo no lo haría, jejeje me gusta sentir adrenalina con cosas mas sobre la tierra…



LOL @FaridTDF . I’m not allowed to do any more under instruction from my wife.


@TheEagleEye , You are luck brother to get the Skydiving experiences.


@TheEagleEye ,

Cool photo! I can see the adrenaline on your face! I am glad that you are smiling, my expression would be out of fear, for sure.

P.S.: Now I saw that you jumped out of the plane at 15000 ft (4572 meters) and this answers my question from your second post about skydiving. :slight_smile:

@TheEagleEye , this is great. Skydiving is in my bucket list. I have done a Bunji jump, Scuba dive, Wide water rafting at Kithulgala, Kayaking across the longest river in Sri Lanka etc… but not yet a Skydive.

What is the best dive out of your all dives so far