Take a boat ride from Bukavu to Goma on Lake Kivu in Congo (with video)

The best way between Bukavu and Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo is on a ferry on lake Kivu. The scenic green hills along the way remind you that the area is primarily agricultural. Crops typically grown are cassava, plantain bananas and beans. One variety of bananas is primarily for making beer which is fermented in troughs carved out of tree trunks. The trip takes around 6 hours but the scenes are so diverse that you will not be bored. Check out some of the views from the trip below and watch the video from the voyage. Have a great trip !


Nice post @Nick-Hobgood thank you for sharing

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salut @Nick-Hobgood

je suis Gloire du Congo et je suis content de voir vos publication sur ma ville Bukavu


@Nick-Hobgood this must have been a really cool experience! How long did you travel in Congo?

Merci @Gloire_Congo J’ai beaucoup aimé mon temps à Bukavu. C’est la ou j’ai fait mon stage comme volontaire de Corps de la Paix en 1987 avant d’aller travailler au Bandundu pour 4 ans. Une expérience magnifique !!

HI @DanniS Yes it was very cool indeed. That time I was living in Kinshasa and had to take work trips to that area. It was one of several work assignments I had in Congo and have lived and worked there for a total of 11 years starting with my Peace Corps volunteer assignment from 1987-1991 back when it was called Zaire. I recommend visiting as the country is vibrant and people so welcoming. It does have some areas with security considerations so please do your research before you go.



En 1987 je n’etais Pas encore né, moi je suis de 1993 :laughing:

donc vous avez une très grande connaissance de la RDC que moi

je suis ravis de vous voir ici vraiment

et actuellement vous vivez où ?

Content de faire votre connaissance @Gloire_Congo . Oui je suis un vieux mzee ! :wink: Je viens de consolider mes photos du Congo dans un album ici. J’espere pouvoir visiter encore bientot. !!


je suis content de facon vous ne pouvez pas l’imaginer, vous venez de prononcer un mot qui me rappel trop des choses**Mzee @Nick-Hobgood **

je vous aime beaucoup et que Dieu vous benisse et vous donne encore plus de vie