Sweet and Savory of Brongkos

Brongkos is a local delicacy in Indonesia, but you only find this traditional food in Yogyakarta. I must say, this food is quite rare to find in Yogyakarta. Its black soup contains beef, egg, tofu, and azuki bean. The soup is quite thick. The taste is sweet and savory. If you happen to visit Yogyakarta, you have to try Brongkos.


Wow, mouthwatering pictures and food.

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@Sheralyn I bet you will love this food at first spoon :))

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Yang terkenal kalau tidak salah namanya brongkos handayani ya @AlidAbdul

Istri saya suka sekali…

nice pic n posting…



Kalau saya ke Yogyakarta suka mampir yang di gang kecil dekat Pasar Ngasem mas @WK_Utomo

Makasih sudah mampir ke postingan saya :slight_smile:

  • Kuahnya item mirip rawon jawa timur

Hai @AlidAbdul

Terima kasih sudah berbagi…

Brongkos sudah lama tidak ketemu makanan ini.

Tapi sepertinya beda dengan persepsi saya.

Brongkos ini bahannya apa saja ya?

Hello @AlidAbdul ,

Thank you for sharing, this dish looks amazing, but is it very sweet?, because from what I know most dishes in Yogyakarta are mostly sweet.

I think with a little bit of chili it will be very tasty.