Sunday @ Home - Kerala,India

Kerala’s favorite fruit, called Champanga here.

Commonly known as Water Apple or Rose apple. Tastes best when added with Chilli and salt powder :yum:


Hi fellow LG @ShutterJib

“Champakka” looks yummy… Especially with Chilly Powder and salt…

Nice Post…


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All the best


@ShutterJib Champanga is looking very good. I’d like to know what it tastes like, whether it is sour or sweet.


Cool tips brother @TravellerG

Thanks you, will take care of this next time onwards. :handshake: :heart:

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Hello Naresh ji @NareshDarji it’s mixed taste with sweet n sour, less like imli .

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You are welcome, brother @ShutterJib

Hope to see more from you soon.


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Yeah hope so bro @TravellerG :handshake: :heart: :blush:

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Kindly remember to tag me in your future posts, please.

Thanks dear @ShutterJib

Are you photographer or an enthusiast?

I’m a photographer… By hobby.

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I too love this fruit. It’s basically a tropical fruit.


Yeah sure brother… @TravellerG

I’m basically a freelance event photographer by passion.

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Yeah brother @Nachiket_methre :heart: :blush: :handshake:

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Hello fellow LG @Nachiket_methre

Important TIP: Simply by typing the symbol @ before the User Name of an LG (as I have done above, to you), you can send a notification to the other member and that LG will come to know that you are talking to/addressing him - for more details, click ‘Here’.

This may help you?

Looks that you forgot to tag our @ShutterJib in your response - right?


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