Street View Photo Path - Can not Access / Load

I’m using Motorola G(10) mobile which has the ARcore facility. I’m trying to open the street view photo path function. Bt as soon as I click the photo path option that opens the map and immediately crash. Any idea why is that happening? Does anybody experience similar issues? Any solutions, please?

When I click “i” on the map screen I’m getting the error saying GPS not found. However, the Location turned on on the phone. (It turned on as allow when the app use method)

I have given storage access permission too (read and write)

Not sure about what it does mean No Drives detected.

I am based in Middlesbrough (North East England).

My location sharing turned-on on the google

I have the location turned-on on the phone

As I am aware ARcore enabled (App installed too) on the phone (Phone also in ARcore list).

If anybody got a solution or suggestions really appreciates.


hi @Lanka-K

I see even of your phone listed as a ARcore, check that your phone OS must be updated to the last Android V .

Even , try to go to settings in your phone, Apps> GSV> clear datta , or uninstall the GSV app , then reinstall…

I never experience like this issue before.

About the GPS location, try to go to another place to record a Photo Path . Internet coverage varies from area to another.

Have a good luck

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Hi Osama, thanks for the reply.

The phone is on the latest Android version. (V 11) - The last patch was received on 1/05/2021.

When you mean go to Apps > GVS > clear data I guess you meant GPS. There’s no app call GPS.

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Hi, @Lanka-K

If the GPS position is shared on the permission it should work, just try to restart everything and check again.

Regarding the storage, have you defined the storage position on your settings?

You can access them tapping on your avatar

Thank you for the reply and screenshot @ErmesT . I didn’t check the settings before. But I just checked it and the settings are exactly the same as yours. The only thing storage folder is set to Panorama folder inside the primary/pictures folder. I restarted the phone / cleared the cache as well. Unfortunately still no luck.


Thanks, @Lanka-K

Please use the App to send a feedback to the developers team and to describe the issue

The feedback will take note of the system data


Hi @Lanka-K I meant the Google Street View app ( GSV app ) not the GPS .

Hope you fix your issue soon .

I suggest you to try to any other smart phone and see how things going .


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@OSAMA_1 Thanks for the clarification. I tried that too. Unfortunately no luck. Yes, I’m about to try on different device.

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@Lanka-K going by my experience, use two smart phones with the same Gmail account in maps contributions :+1: .

Don’t trust one device only.

I use 3 smartphones with one Gmail account.


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I’m from india. i cant upload google street path … because i cant see path option on my app.

plzzz help m

@Hanishkhode - Please check whether your device is ARCore compatible. As I stated above, I have a device compatible with ARCore, but that still not working as it seems not fully compatible.

If your device is incompatible, you won’t see the Path Option.

If it’s compatible, then there might be other reasons you may need to dig.

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