A few nights ago I was sent a document from an Aunt, she had been researching our family tree and it was discovered that My Great Great Grandfather was incarcerated and held as a POW on the island.
I was extremely lucky to have visited the island 5 times, and it’s only now that I have realized this strange family history. High Knoll Hill Fort is were many POW were housed and I would presume this is where my Great Great Grandfather was held. I have read only one document so far listing his name on a register of POWs.
My Previous job was, the First mate on Sailing Catamarans that were manufactured and built in Cape Town, Our Job was to get these brand new sailboats to the owners who were all over the world. The Boats would have a Skipper, a First mate ( me ) and one crew Member. All trips would start in Cape Town, and we would sail to exotic destinations like Tahiti, Rio De Janeiro, Greece, Annapolis, Panama, Singapore, Sanya, Hong Kong.
@LeeBee-SA @Perneo @user_not_found
@DeniGu @HUMBERTO_V @Giusthelion
My Other St Helena Post → https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/General-Discussion/St-Helena-island-remote-and-extremely-isolated/m-p/1248164#M265978