Local Fish in village smile river now nepalese smile river now days is big now sision is monsoon in nepal. local villagers is every day moring to night net capture fish in river. all local ingredients uase this fish. this fish recipe is a monsoon sison. terai community villagers eat this dish in nepal.
Hi @Khanabadosh1986 ,
Thanks for sharing your photos! This spicy fried fish looks so delicious, I can imagine how crispy it is. Do you eat it with rice or some type of bread?
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The fish certainly looks spicy @Khanabadosh1986 What type of fish is it and where would you catch these?
@AdamGT thanks,
my local villagers now days our village smile smile river or pond
Wow! Que rico pescado asado disfrutaste @Khanabadosh1986 !
Yo también ase un pescado la vez que fui a pescar al Rio Varela hehe