Some Tips Before Visiting IGNOU Regional Centre Kolkata

If you want to do any side degree or extra courses, the first institute that comes to mind is IGNOU, as it is a convenient and cheaper option. Many of us including me are doing extra courses from IGNOU and I have done 250+ certification courses and specializations, till now from various universities worldwide.

In Kolkata, the regional IGNOU centre, is located in the Bikash Bhawan, Fourth Ave, DF Block, Sector 1, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091. If you stay too far from the Salt Lake area then it will be tough for you to solve your queries as you will never be able to reach out to them via telephone and for a small thing also you have to visit here.

I want to share some tips from my experience, first of all, as the Bikash Bhawan is so huge that you might get confused about where this centre is located in it. After entering from the main gate just go to the left and enter the building and straight away go to the 4th floor and you will find it.

You have to visit here during weekdays as on weekends as of now it is closed. The main thing is that if you are going here to get the study materials then please confirm first from your college, that is your study center that the course in which you have enrolled, your study material will be given by the regional centre or it will come via post. Otherwise, your efforts and time may gonna waste after visiting here.

If you are visiting here during the summer season to submit your assignments then please carry sufficient food, snacks, and water as you might face long queues and sometimes people get sick and even senseless while standing in the queue at 40+ degrees Celsius.

My last suggestion would be whatever your queries are for which you have visited here, kindly deal with them in a very polite manner. I hope it will be helpful.


250+ certifications…wow!
you are a prodigy, dear @Shaunak

Have you heard about Srikant Jichkar?

Thanks for sharing these wonderful practical tips for the IGNOU Center.
I love such information sharing and caring :heart_decoration:


Thank you so much @TusharSuradkar for your humble words. It motivates me a lot. Yes I have heard of him that he was a civil servant and I think he holds the largest amount of educational degrees in India.


@Shaunak I did visit IGNOU Regional Centre Tvm once, I am doing my 2nd degree in IGNOU.


Wow…250 + certifications , dear @Shaunak ?
I fully agree with our dear @TusharSuradkar …:blush:
You are a genius…
God bless you - prayers for more achievements…
Best wishes


Oh that’s nice to hear @SarathUpendran have you faced any difficulties there?

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Thank you so much for your so humble and kind words @TravellerG it gives me the strength to do more and more. :pray:

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@Shaunak Not much but as I have gone in person only once , I did send my cousin to do some corrections on my degree registration and from what he said, most of the time half of the staff are on leave or they simply ask as to come another day.

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Ya I think everybody goes through the same experience at most government offices and buildings across the country.

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Almighty bless you… dear Shaunak!

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Thank you so much @TravellerG ji :pray:

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