Should personal businesses like musicians be removed from Google Maps?

Hello everyone,

since I am new to this very platform I am not sure if I am pulling out something old, though I wondered:
If a person that owns a one man business and doesn’t have a store or shop wants to make an appearance on Google Maps, should that be allowed?

This guideline page clearly states that “Brands, organizations, artists, and other online-only businesses aren’t eligible for Google My Business listings.”.
However, I don’t understand why for example artists have to be treated differently.

Say I am a gardener. I have an officially registered business and pay taxes for that and so on. I have a shelter next to my home where I store my tools. Let that be a fairly big shelter, because I have an excavator and a truck and a workshop and so on. I would then have a business and add the shelter to Google Maps. I don’t really have opening hours because I am don’t have a store, but if people need me or if I have some work to do in my workshop they can swing by and meet me there. In my opinion, this is a valid listing on Google Maps.

Say I am a musician. I have an officially registered business and pay taxes for that and so on. I do have another job, but usually I have two or three gigs a week. I got a garage next to my home where I store my Van and all my Instruments and other musical equipment. In the afternoons, I or my wife are usually at home and can be reached by potential customers. I also do recordings in my garage every once in a while. I think it’d be fair to have a listing on Google Maps for this kind of business too!

So thats the situation, I kinda just wanna get your thoughts on it! I have not really decided on my point of view yet and I am looking for additional inputs before really pitching this idea. So what do you think?

Thanks for your effort and time!


Good questions. I tend to suggest removal of an online only business when I see one in a clearly residential area. I often also see listings of Airbnb and similar private listings of rooms for rent. Google often make the listing look almost like a hotel where you can book the room. I would like to know if such listings should also be removed. Sorry for expanding you thread rather than starting a new one.

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Hey @MortenCopenhagen thanks for your input.

There is another post on here that asks the exact same question (about the online business), which seems to come to the conclusion that they shall be removed. (

I guess this applies too though. If there are a couple of people in a office, running an online business, why should their office not be on maps?

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@Patrick283 I think you have misunderstood. In the above-mentioned guidelines, online-only business is said to be ineligible. Because some business only provides service online and do not have a physical address. And I think it is also okay to list a one-man only business.

I tend to agree that a small online business should not be on the map. Their primary presence is online and goggle maps is all about the physical world. They have a listing in Google search. And often these small online businesses will not or can not deal with visitors who come to their address. All the best.


Well that opens a whole other box! If the guide is talking about online artists, then what is considered an online artist?

Is a full time YouTuber an online artist? I guess. Besides the assumption that they don’t want their recording location to be public, I don’t see a reason why they shouldn’t be allowed to.

If the guide is not talking about online only artists, but artists in general, then I guess a musician is considered one. Or is that not what I possibly read wrong?

Thanks for your comment!