Short Escape to Pulau Harapan (Hope Island) - Jakarta

Jakarta is one of the busiest city in Indonesia. Most of citizen choose Jakarta as their working place to improve their life, as the result traffic jam everywhere, pollution everywhere and the most important, stress level increase. If you’re living in Jakarta and really need refreshing, you can choose Pulau Seribu as your escape. Pulau Seribu (Thousand Islands) is a group of small islands located near Jakarta, each island has it’s own beauty. Now, I want to review one of the best island, Pulau Harapan (Hope Island)

How to get there ?

You can search some open trip in the internet, there are bunch of tour packages there. Last weekend I’m going here after searching in traveloka and some people recommend it. The meeting point is Dermaga Kali Adem, you can go by KRL and stop in duri station or angke station then continue by Grab / Gojek to Dermaga Kali Adem / Kali Adem Port. I’m going there in the morning, but the ship start sailing around 12.00 a.m, most of time wasted by waiting inside the ship, but that’s okay, we can use that time for sightseeing around the port sleeping, eating, or just chit chat with our friends.

It takes around 3- 4 hours from Kali Adem Port to reach Pulau Harapan port. What should we do while waiting the ship arrive ind Pulau Harapan ? I highly recommend you to sleep, because after arrive in Pulau Harapan you’ll have short time for lunch and preparing for snorkeling.

When arriving in Pulau Harapan, I feel happy, because it has a beautiful view and quite clean environment, you can find small park right after the port, and some snacks and drinks across the road. You just need to walk to go to the homestay ( include in tour packages ).

After arrive in homestay, I have limited time for lunch and laying in bed because I will doing Island hoping and snorkeling in some spot, first spot is Gosong Perak Island, then moving to Putri Island, after that waiting for sunset in Bulat Island.


Very impressive sharings with comprehensive information. Wish I could visit the same some day :slight_smile:

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Hi @nanik_rf ,

Thank you for this amazing post about Jakarta.

I have just released it from the Spam Filters. I would like to apologize for your post being marked as spam. Our filters run 24/7 and they can be a little harsh at times.

Keep up with these great contributions on Connect.

@Sorbe Thank you for your help, I’m still newbie on Connect and don’t know what happend. Sure, I will make more contribution on Connect


@syedsajjadhaider Thank you for your respond, that make me enthusiastic to write more on Connect. Hope you can visit this place soon :slight_smile:

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Beautiful photos.Your information will help others.

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Thank you, I hope that too

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