Sharing the Love: How to get the Good Friend Badge

Recently, I received the Good Friend Badge on Connect, and this badge embodies both the Thanksgiving spirit and Local Guide values of community and giving back. In this article, I wanted to share some suggestions on ways you too can get the Good Friend Badge. :slightly_smiling_face:

This article was inspired by an episode in @JanVanHaver 's LocalGuides podcast, in which he talks about how you could just take an hour to get to Level 5, but how you can instead make a more quality impact by taking your time.

Similar to his story, instead of just randomly scrolling to articles and replies and giving 500 likes until your fingers ache from clicking the mouse, there are some better and more fun ways to get there. In my case, it took me almost 2 years to get the badge due to my bandwith and me wanting to be thoughtful in giving out likes. My role model was @TravellerG as he cheers everyone on with his positivity, and when I posted my first articles- he made me feel welcome. :two_hearts:

Here’s how I got to achieve giving out 500 likes:

1.) User Comments on Your Articles

When someone leave you a comment on an article, make sure to give them a like. They took time to read your article and respond, so I give them a like on their comment and reply back to thank them or answer any other questions they may have.

2.) Articles of Those Who Comment

You can look up the profile of the person that has taken time to comment on your articles to give them some love back. As you read through responses to your articles, right click on the user’s name and then you can view their profile in a new page. Read an article of theirs that piques your interest, and then give it a like and a comment.

3.) Unanswered Articles

Besides reading featured articles and giving a like, give love as well to articles that are not trending yet. You can do this by clicking on a topic that interests you, and then you can click on Unanswered- example screenshot below.


This way, we can make everyone feel welcome. For example, someone may be new or may not be as popular in the community. Or in some of those articles, maybe not enough information is typed out to engage the audience. You can encourage them by leaving a like, and then responding with a comment that cheers them on and then ask a question. For example, “Great photo [username]. I love how yummy the food looks. What is the name of the food you posted?”

4.) Achievements

You can browse articles under the Achievements topic and give a like to an article that stands out. It doesn’t necessarily have to be someone saying they got trillions of views, rather it could also be someone who is celebrating just reaching Level 6. It is great to celebrate the small wins too, and you can also leave a comment too to cheer them on.

How about you fellow Local Guides? Feel free to share anything else that inspires you to give a like in the Connect Community in the replies below.

:blue_heart: :green_heart:


Congratulations :tada: @AZ_2021

You did a great job :ok_hand:


Aw thank you @KashifMisidia

You put a big smile on my face. It was a nice comment to read before going to sleep. :two_hearts:


Hehehe I just reached to my work :smiling_face: totally Opposite times at both parts of the world :pray:


Hello my dear friend @AZ_2021

Hearty Congratulations…

Highly appreciate your efforts and dedication…

It is really a great achievement.

All the topics you have mentioned are valuable and important.

We all are really proud of you and assure you our support always.

I’m really honoured by your comment that you opted me as your role model - it means a lot to me - in fact, I have to admit that your continued support is surely important for my journey in LG Connect.

I most humbly thank you & accept your kind gesture.

Best wishes for more achievements…

:bouquet: :bouquet: :bouquet:


Hello dear friends, @Zuhralc @Anil6969 @PattyBlack @renata1 , I’m sure you will be excited to read the achievements of our dear friend @AZ_2021 .

Thanks for your valuable responses in advance.



You earned and certainly got a like from me. Thanks for being a great Local Guide. :bouquet: :birthday: :tada:




Congratulations :clap: :tada: @AZ_2021

Keep contributing and posting.


@AZ_2021 I love the idea of scrolling through the unanswered posts. Definitely a warm welcome for someone who took time to post.


@AZ_2021 hallo salam kenal dan salam hangat.

Semoga selalu sehat dan sukses selalu.


Hi @AZ_2021

Mein gedanklicher Zwilling!!!

Ich liebe deine Art nicht nur deinen Erfolg zu feiern, sondern auch diesen Erfolg zu teilen!

In dem du beschreibst, wie du Kudos vergibst, bekommen auch andere die Inspiration es ebenso zu handhaben. GroĂźartig!!

Auch ich gestalte die Wahl meiner Kudos sehr ähnlich. Vor allem bewusst gewählt!

Mich müssen Foto oder Artikel ansprechen, mich bereichern, Informationen geben…

Mir gefallen aber auch gut geschriebene Texte… Und Wortwitz, davon bin ich ein sehr großer Fan.

Aber, auch hier gebe ich dir Recht, kleine Beiträge mit noch geringer Reichweite können mich faszinieren. Oftmals benötigt man nur eine Frage um mehr herauszufinden…

Deine Art solche unbeantwortet Beiträge zu suchen finde ich fantastisch und werde es Heute sogleich einmal ausprobieren :wink:

Wie immer ist dein Beitrag eine Bereicherung :kissing_heart:


This is great to hear my friend @KashifMisidia

I love how timezones work and that when it is dark here, it is morning where you are. :gift_heart:


Wow thank you for your kind words @TravellerG . You made my day, and I’m happy to see that my words meant a lot for you and made you happy… and that makes me happy. :two_hearts:


Wow thank you @MortenCopenhagen

Your kind words made me smile.

PS. I added the shoutout from you in my Google Doc where I compiled all the kind words I gathered. It’s fun to go back and see and re-read and they make me smile. :two_hearts:


Thank @NareshDarji

I appreciate you always cheering us on. It means a lot. :two_hearts:


Aw yay my friend glad you like that idea. :couple_with_heart_woman_man: @JustJake


Nice to meet you too @Ocoytea4995

Thank you for taking the time to stop by to read. :two_hearts:


Thank you my twin @Stephanie_OWL

I love how we think alike yet again- how we both take our time to give kudos. Oh, and another thing we twin on- we both like wordplay! Wow, each day we keep out more way that we relate to each other.

Wonderful my friend, I love how you will try to look for unanswered posts. :couple_with_heart_woman_man:



Mutually sharing appreciation & helps make this community very unique - once again thanks for your valuable companionship.

Best wishes with greetings, my dear @AZ_2021


Grazie per avermi taggato caro @TravellerG . Sono completamente d’accordo con @AZ_2021 , questo non è un social network dove si va a caccia di like, qui è interessante leggere, scoprire, chiedere e conoscere nuove culture. Purtroppo non sono spesso qui per mancanza di tempo (qui adesso è già passata la mezzanotte…) quindi mi perdo molte cose e post interessanti ma sicuramente quando ho tempo non leggo solo i post in primo piano ma scelgo per categoria e a volte per leggere più post metto solo like senza commenti ma non è davvero una cosa ideale da fare. Congratulazioni per il tuo goal @AZ_2021 ti auguro il meglio!