Salmon fish Adobo - Healthy Cooking

Here are the 12 health benefits of salmon. Health is Wealth

1. Improves cardiovascular health

2. Repairs damaged tissues

3. Excellent vitamin B complex source

4. Assists in proper thyroid function

5. Promotes brain health

6. May cure cancer

7. Fights joint inflammation

8. Builds cognitive intelligence in children

9. Antioxidant properties

10. Enhances eyesight

11. Promotes healthy skin

12. May assist in weight loss


  1. Salmon
  2. Onion
  3. Garlic
  4. Green chilli
  5. Black pepper
  6. Zinger
  7. Vinegar
  8. Soy sauce
  9. Salt
  10. Olive oil


  • Saute the onion and garlic few minutes with olive oil
  • Add zinger slices and mix it
  • Add the salmon and mix it with onion and garlic and boil for few minutes
  • Add the soy sauce little amount
  • Mix it with salmon and let soy sauce to be observed in salmon
  • Add vinegar little
  • Put black pepper and green chillies
  • Add little salt for taste
  • Boil it for 10 minutes
  • Your Healthy meal ready for serving…

Eat healthy Be Healthy


@SHAN-Dubai it looks so good and we really need healthy meal now!


@SHAN-Dubai such a detailed and we’ll researched post


Thanks @And12-X2 , @Wei929