Saint Isaac’s Cathedral in Saint Petersburg is the largest orthodoxbasilica and the fourth largest Cathedral in the world.It is dedicated to Saint Isaac of Dalmatia,a patron saint of Peter the Great.
The observation deck I can’t visit,but I admire the rich decoration inside the Cathedral.
You can watch the photos in my album.
I would like to tell you about the famous statue “Bronze Horsman.”
This statue was described by A.Pushkin…It is well known all over the world.The models of statue of Peter the Great were made by sculptor Falconet.In 1768-1770 he made the full size model of statue.
The pedestal of the statue was made of huge natural rock ,known as Thunder Rock.This rock was found on the shore of Gulf of Finland.The weight of rock was 1600 tons.
The figure of Peter the Great is full of grandeur and strenth.
This statue is on the Decemberists’ Square (Ploshchad Dekabristov) in St.Petersburg.
I made photo with a woman in costume Peter the Great era .