Rome The Sistine Chapel ceiling

This picture is no one of my best but I hope is recognizable.


You have been around @iclirius like a butterfly. Thank you for sharing.

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Hey @iclirius ,

The Sistine Chapel made an enormous impression on me when I visited it a few years ago. I remember staring at the ceiling in awe. It still remains one of my favourite places in the world. However, I don’t think taking photos was allowed, even without a flash. You were lucky you didn’t get caught! Thanks for sharing it on Connect.


ooh the famous chapel, looks cool, nice one @iclirius


@MoniDi yes is an amazing place and really peacefully place even with all that amount of people, and yes it was not allowed, i did wrong but also was time a go.


I love this! I love more what it stands for! The artist did such a great job! Painting with such detail on a ceiling! @iclirius

Thanks for sharing

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