Eventually, several films were made in Japan on this topic and also one in Hollywood in 2009 called “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale” starring Richard Gere.
When I walked on the streets of Tokyo outside the Shibuya station, I also noticed manhole covers that had Hachiko engraved on it, as shown in the cover photo.
Entrance Fees
There are no fees since the statue is on the street and accessible to all.
The streets in Tokyo are accessible for a wheelchair bound person, so one can reach the statue of Hachiko easily.
@TusharSuradkar oh my goodness…this is really very heartwarming story. I just told my son this story and he really felt sad and wife had tears. Hachiko was a very loyal. Really heart touching story. I was not aware of the fim, now I will watch this. This is something very touchy incident of Japan. And the administration made his statue is really appreciated. I would like to visit this place when I would visit Tokyo in future. Thank you so much for sharing this buddy.
A lovely post @TusharSuradkar in fact, I was thinking of writing same myself but you’ve done such a great job so let me briefly piggy back yours. The Japanese certainly love their dogs. Here’s a photo I took at the Hachiko monument showing how popular the POI is and also a couple of photos of Japanese pooches I took while walking around Shibuya and Yokohama.
Such a moving story indeed @TusharSuradkar and no matter how many times I made a visit to Tokyo, I somehow managed to come and visit Hachiko in Shibuya area.
I used to have a dog at home named Hoki, which means lucky in bahasa Indonesia. He was a domestic dog and all black, except the tiny white shock on his left leg. He was a great guard for all of us. Miss him!
Btw… Did you manage to visit the information corner with more stories about Hachiko and big fluffy Hachiko doll while in Shibuya? As you and @AdamGT said, people love Hachiko soooo much. I saw murals and cute maps of Shibuya with lots of Hachiko .
One of your brief posts, dear Tushar… with a very touching story.
Of course, as our @Rohan10 & @indahnuria mentioned, it is truly heartwarming…
Of course, in general, dogs are loyal and many are very intelligent - sorry, this ‘very loyal’ dog doesn’t look like it is ‘very intelligent’ - because, Hachiko waited for his matter for 10 years after his death… what is your opinion…
I read that Akita breed is majorly used for hunting support… right?
The statue looks like a celebrity with many people posing around it.
Well written post, dear friend @TusharSuradkar - and nice two photos… good.
I have heard about films on Leika, Hachiko, etc. I think…
The accessibility feature, though it is simple, is also clear.
Yes @TusharSuradkar it was early August. And I remember experiencing Typhoon while leaving Kobe (and of course earthquakes in a couple of locations in Tokyo)