Received a gift of google maps pin

I am so pleased to share with you all this special gift received as a token appreciation for my contributions as a Local Guide!!

This is my first post on this platform ,and what better way to start my introduction with you all!!

I hail from Jaipur,India .A sincere local guide using the google maps for all my queries related to places I travel and shops,houses,apartments,restaurants…wherever I go.

Google map is my companion throughout. I love posting reviews of places I visit so that it becomes easier for other people to know exactly how that place is.I also use maps to find the distances between places when travelling and I also help others in doing so by explaining the use of google maps.

Google maps has no doubt ,made the world a small si gle unit where we can move about easily without any fear of losing our way!!

Thanks Google maps for the amazing gift and the community of local guides for all the assistance we provide to people around us!!


Congratulations :tada: .

Keep going :heart:


@Meenakshijaipur बहुत बहुत शुभकामनाएँ… ऐसे ही तरक्की करते रहो…



Congratulations :clap:


Hello, Congratulation for your achievement!

Would u like to give me some tips?

have a nice day

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Thanks @DshottDennis for the appreciation !!

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Thank you @Faridakumalasari for the wishes!

Kindly specify what kind of tips you wish to have from me!!

Is it regarding the special gift or something other than this!

धन्यवाद @keshavdsd

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Thank you @Vishak1 for the motivation

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Tips regarding the special gift like that Pin… i wish i will get it too someday

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Ok!I am not too sure about why I received this gift,but I think,may be ,my consistency in using google maps for reviewing places and answering questions on maps, might be the probable reason for my receiving the gift!

I think the Connect moderators might be able to tell exactly how this gift thing works!!


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Congratulations!! @Meenakshijaipur

Mine is on the way!! :heart_eyes: