The Bronx is a very nice place and as such, I’d love to visit again. It is a popular area within the New York State with high-rise apartments mostly built with bricks as well as notable for its fast-food restaurants and beauty lounges.
My solo photo walk began on my second day in the Bronx, it was so cold at -2C that the walk terminated earlier than was proposed. Thankfully, the Google Pixel 3 XL provided by the Local Guides team at Connect Live 19 was absolutely stunning and impressive!
The night shots were captured perfectly by the Pixel phone with little or no noise and clear views, focusing on all details. The area was generally safe for sightseeing.
The walk started at about 4 PM CET and ended at 6 PM CET, especially as it gets dark early at this time of the year in New York.
The focus of the walk was on small businesses, to capture storefronts and update missing information on the Maps. I was able to cover a long stretch, starting from McDonald’s on Bruckner Boulevard and terminating at CVS Pharmacy on 149th Street, the Bronx.
I had such a nice time with @U-royFelixA in New York, met with him after a long time. It was a very pleasant meeting with him again.
Please see more images in the Bronx Photowalk Album