Recap Challange 1: Virtual tour of Kashmir ( @Rohan)

Kashmir virtual tour

Travel to explore the mesmerizing sights of Kashmir, India with our travel tips for the best possible holiday.

I have posted the Travelling challenge on connect and @Rohan excepted this challenge and shared his connect link. So we decided to go virtually there as per his detail I explain everything to my students and take them there on the Gmaps virtually.

** @Rohan10 visited many famous places in Kashmir Kashmir is a paradise for travelers, full of amazing natural beauty and history. If you are planning to visit Kashmir, you can also refer to the post on connect by** @Rohan10

Kashmir is a valley, river, and tourist attraction in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It has a variety of natural and man-made attractions, including lakes, mountains, national parks, and rivers.

We all are invited to Google office Mumbai as guests.

Kashmir is a landlocked plateau in the north of the Indian subcontinent at the south of the Himalayas, with an average elevation of 3,000 meters. It is a popular tourist destination and is known for its natural beauty.

We have visited all the link which is shared by him on my post.

  1. UNESCO World Heritage - The Great Buddha and Mahabodhi Mahavihara, Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India.
  2. Beauty of Kashmir - Episode 1 - Shalimar Garden.
  3. Beauty of Kashmir - Episode 2 - Gulmarg Gondola Ride (Kungdoor & Aphrawat)
  4. Beauty of Kashmir - Episode 3 - My Camping experience at Sonamarg

Thank you so much for sharing with us all students convey thank you.

Would you like to participate in This challenge?


It’s my pleasure to share my experience presented in my posts with photos with you and students. I am very much glad that all students enjoyed it. Actually I must thank you for what you are doing. It’s a very noble work of spreading happiness. It was wonderful to meet you and students on video call.

Thank you so much @Tejal for hosting such a nice challenge for your students. I am so much glad to be a part of this challenge. Thank you again :blush:


Wow Tejal, I will be glad to help you with this good cause. Please feel free to see any of my articles from my profile.
you can login to my website

where you will find informative written posts about various destinations. Also, each post has an informative video explaining about the place.
And do let me know if you need anything else.



** @Tejal **

अच्छी पोस्ट, और आपका काम,

शेअर करने के लिए धन्यवाद।

** @Rohan10 **को भी धन्यवाद …


That’s amazing @Tejal ben! I agree with you that @Rohan10 's posts on Kashmir are very informative and with great photos to give a visual sense of it.

It was nice meeting you personally in Google office Mumbai!



Hey @Tejal

That’s an amazing idea. Virtual Travel Trivia for Kashmir :wink: :wink: :wink: Hope the kids enjoyed it :grin: :grin: :grin: Indeed @Rohan10 you are a Local Guide in true sense. The way you share every minute detail of the place that you visit shows your observation and attention to detail skill. Way to go buddy :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:



thank you, Rohan, from bottom of my heart, hope you will contribute to your next trip with us for the virtual trip.

@MayuriKubal and @AjitThite , @Shrut19 thank you so much for supporting my post. hope you would love to share your travel trip with us .


@TravelClever hey that’s an amazing idea please put your all link and your one pic here so I can count you in our virtual tour.

thanking you

Tejal Chhaya

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Hey Tejal on Local Guides Connect I add the details about the destinations in brief. The detailed articles on my website. You can let me know when will you show the posts. Would like to try and join for some time. Below are the links to some interesting articles you may like to show

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Hey thank you for sharing with me you have amazing detail for your traveling journey why don’t you write a post on connect? I will surely use this information for my classes. please post your links here

Regards Tejal

Well of course I have 35 posts on local guides connect profile @TravelClever But they are written in short. If you want to read detailed articles, then you will get it on my website.

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I want to join this group any one help me

I am from Jammu and Kashmir

My hometown Jammu :round_pushpin:

Please help me to join

@Tejal @TravelClever @MayuriKubal




Thank you for your reply here I have posted the challenge here kindly share your details here virtual tour challenge and post your photo in the comments so I can highlight your pic for a recap post.

Regards Tejal

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Thank you for your reply here I have posted the challenge here kindly share your details here virtual tour challenge and post your photo in the comments so I can highlight your pic for a recap post.

Regards Tejal


Hello fellow LG @JimmyJasrotia ,

Kindly send me your contact details through the private message in LG Connect, then I can add you to the social media.

Warm regards

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Thanku soo much

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Hey @Tejal

Salute to all your efforts dear. Do let me know how can I contribute for this cause. I would be more than happy to help. Sending you and your students all my love and best wishes.

@Rohan10 You are an incredible human being. Meeting you in person and having lovely meetups are truly a memorable part of my local guiding journey. And, yes I look forward to all the future meet-ups and tours whether in person or virtually. Sending my best wishes to you too. Keep guiding.

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Thank you so much for reaching out here I will say hi to all my students but you can also share your travelling pics with me so I can share them with my students they will enjoy surely.

Regards Tejal

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