For those who have been following me (stalkers!), you might have guessed by now that I’m back in the UK. I was in Malaysia from mid-July last year until mid-January this year. I’m here in Manchester for a few months and then I’ll be heading back to Malaysia again hopefully with a job to go to! Eek!
Anyway, whilst I was in Malaysia, I realised that there were several things in the UK that I took for granted and their absence in Malaysia was a bit of a wake up call! So now that I’m in the UK, I’m just trying to make sure I get to do all the stuff that I enjoy whilst I still can.
This post is all about my latest craze: soufflé pancakes! What is it?! Well, it’s a very light and fluffy version of a regular pancake because it incorporates meringue (egg whites and sugar beat into a firm foam like texture) into the pancake batter which gives it lots of tiny bubbles (fluffiness) and height (structure). From what I could find online, soufflé pancakes originated in Japan! Arigato gozaimasu!
I had my first taste in a cafe in Kuching (Malaysia) called Coffee Code! And it was LOVE at first bite! Strangely enough I have not written a review yet (I will need to fix that soon!) but here’s a quick collage to show you the place/food/drink.
Since then, I’ve been obsessed with wanting to make them and as I didn’t have suitable kitchen tools/equipment in Malaysia, I had to wait until I got back to the UK. Now that I’m back, I did a quick research online for a suitable recipe and decided to go with this one:
The original recipe (see the description in the video on YouTube):
- 1 large egg (room temperature)
- 2 tbsp plain flour / all purpose flour
- 1 tbsp milk
- 1.5 tbsp sugar
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 3 - 4 drops of lemon juice / vinegar (for egg stabilization - omittable)
I modified the recipe to suit the quantity that I wanted to make plus based on the ingredients that I had:
- 2 large egg (room temperature)
- 4 tbsp self-raising flour (this means it has baking powder mixed with the flour already which will help it to rise better)
- 2 tbsp milk
- 3 tbsp sugar
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Do note that I don’t bake and I would say that my general cooking skills are a bit low. So I would get easily confused with the simplest of instructions! I had to Google search a lot to get my head around things! But watch the video above to see what you need to do: it’s far better than me trying to explain the cooking process!
My first attempt:
- I poured too much batter into the cooking rings not realising that they would expand and rise so much! Note the overflow and the mess it made
- It was light and fluffy but looked dry and hard
. I served them with agave syrup (maple flavour) and a teeny wedge of butter.
- Nom nom level = 3/10
My second attempt the next day:
- Better understanding of quantities and how the batter would expand made this batch come out pretty well! Very pleased with them. Also served with agave syrup and butter.
- Nom nom level = 7/10
My third attempt (several days later):
- Typical me, I couldn’t leave things alone so I messed around with the recipe and modified it to include ‘stuffings’ in the soufflé pancakes.
- One set of soufflé pancakes had ham and cheese. Another set had kaya jam (a coconut, egg, caramel, pinescrew/pandan jam/custard… it’s lovely!!) with strawberries/cherries/cranberries on top. And I randomly threw in some poppy seeds too in some of them.
- Plus, rather than cook/steam them in a pan like before. I put them in a baking tray and used the oven instead.
- All the extra ingredients caused the batter to not inflate well. And the higher heat in the oven made the batter rise quickly but then deflate when cool
- Nom nom level = 5/10 (tasty with the extra ingredients but it looks like a very, very sad deflated balloon)
My fourth attempt (latest experimentation):
- I missed out on a #StateChallenge quiz because I didn’t give myself enough time whilst trying this out!
- I love meringue so I decided to make an extra amount of meringue (two extra eggs) and put the usual amount in the pancake batter and folded it in but I also had tons more to put on top of the pancake. I’m too greedy!!
- Added currants that’s been soaked in amaretto (almond based alcohol), and I also had poppy seeds mixed into the batter. Used the oven again instead of the pan.
- The pancakes rose but deflated (as expected) and the meringue, though nice, they didn’t add anything extra to the pancake.
- Nom nom level = 5/10
I would say that my second attempt was the best. It was the closest in following the original recipe and that probably says a lot. It is true that when it comes to baking/cooking, you should follow the recipe and not deviate too much unless you know what you’re doing!
Some lessons learned:
- the extra ingredients were fun to add and taste nice but don’t place them on top as it would not help your soufflé pancake to rise. You should make a fruit compote separately or just place fresh fruits next to a cooked pancake.
- use a lower temperature to stop the batter from rising too quickly and then deflating when cool. Using the pan probably gave the best control compared to the oven
- if you’re adding meringue at the top, it’s probably best to flatten it out a bit so that they cook evenly throughout
- watch your sugar level! As sugar is already added to the egg whites to form the meringue, the final pancake itself doesn’t need more sugar. I only added the syrup so that I can capture some nice videos/photos of it.
My family back home thought I was crazy to make so many pancakes but I really enjoyed making and eating them. I think in my next batch I’m going to try to make them without using the cooking rings. It might be a complete failure but hey, it might quite fun too!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this bit of fun and if you haven’t given soufflé pancakes a try, you really must! It is AMAZING!!! And quite easy to make too! Let me know in the comments your thoughts/feedback about soufflé pancakes and if you’ve ever experienced the joys of its fluffiness (it’s like eating a cloud!! Mmmm)
Lastly, I have been searching Connect for recipes to make quick and simple meals/dishes/drinks/cakes/desserts (anything really). My criteria is that:
- the list of ingredients should be simple and short (ideally they would be easy to buy anywhere in the world)
- it should take no more than 30 minutes to make from start to finish!
Oh, Connect community, can you please help me out here and share your quick and simple recipes please!? Please include photos and instructions too! I will pick the ones that I think I can make I’ll give them a go and let you know!
Tagging a few Local Guides who’s past food posts have intrigued me: @indahnuria @gandrabur_chik @Rohan10 @YuliiaZa @RosyKohli @Lusianaa @Velvel . I’ve seen your recent posts to make various food stuff and I’ve already bookmarked them but just wondering if you have anything else that is quick and easy! Massive thanks!