Pulau Silalahi, Pulau ini berada di Kecamatan Silahisabungan, dan berdekatan dengan Pulau Paropo. Sebelum adanya pandemi Covid19, Pulau Silalahi di jadikan sebagai tempat pelaksanaan Acara 1000 Tenda. Siapa yang sudah pernah ke pulau silalahi ini, dan bagaimana pendapat anda tentang Pulau ini?
Hi @zendratoTEAM !
That island sounds like an excellent place! What can be done there?
I am sorry for my ignorance, but I live very far from there, so I do not know anything about what 1000 Tenda is. Can you please tell us a little more about it?
Thanks for sharing this beautiful place with us!
1000 Tents This event is held by camping using tents, on the edge of the lake. Toba Lake
maybe true, it’s far from your city.
but the name of this lake may also have you with, lake toba
there are various events that we often do here, such as the lake toba fastival, silalahi art, and others
may your fortune increase, and live long, so that you and your friends or your family can visit us here.
Halo @zendratoTEAM ,
Terima kasih sudah berbagi! Pulaunya terlihat sangat indah ya. Mungkin kamu bisa berbagi foto lain yang menunjukkan keindahan pulau tersebut serta tips yang mungkin bisa kamu bagikan jika ada Local Guides lain yang tertarik untuk berkunjung.
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