Pray for Indonesian Local Guides and People

Dear Indonesian Google Local Guides & People Sorry to hear that shocked news that Friday Tsunami & Earthquake destroyed Palu City. Lot of people lost their home and asset and lost of people died. Last two or three days I am thinking to share with others your city scenario but i couldn’t cause this is time to help you guys. I have seen lot of pictures about your country current situation. The whole world eye on you right now, all media also try to covered your city current situation. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina also talked with Indonesia President to know about the present condition in your city and Hope our Government will Support you soon. Actually anyone don’t know who are actually affected but the things is all are human, So Human being is the first priority. According to international news around 1300 people already died and 46000 plus living facility are destroyed & Lots of people still in dangerous situation. I must say Please GOD help Indonesian people & Indonesian Local Guides also. Today got a news that shared UKAID in social media already taken an initiative to help Indonesian people. I hope others country will come soon to help you guys. GOD Bless you. Bangladeshi People always with you. I have added few photos of current situation after tsunami & earthquake in Indonesia Palu City.

Picture & Information Source : Twitter & International News.

Hope everybody in this platform will pray for them & @SoniaK Apu will explore this current situation with others Local Guides Moderator and @SajolKDas , @MahabubMunna @AriMar @brittym @NadyaPN @KlaudiyaG @Christina-NYC, @DeniGu,@FelipePK explore with others local guides.


Pray all locall guides all over the world for indonesia, sad to hear @AsiveC

This is indeed a heartbreaking news. Praying for the people of Indonesia. Hope they can recover from the damage soon. If there is anything from our side that we can do we sure will do our best. Just wanted to let the brothers and sisters from Indonesia know that we are with you, you are not alone. May Allah bless you.


OMG! @AsiveC A heartfelt prayer also from Italy.

Without words…


Dear @SoniaK Apu, Today in 95th Bangladesh local guides Meet up I remain everyone about this present issue and we stand all own place 1 min fully silent for pray & respect for Indonesian local guides and people. Hope everything will be Ok soon. I wish GOD will help them.

Hey Brother @davidhyno I have no word to say about this current situation of Indonesia. Just pray for them. you know I was Just shocked when i have seen this scenario.

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Hello brother @NirmalTeja Hope everything will recover soon and I believe ALLAH will help them.