February 15, 2021, 10:58pm
Opisat ću vam ukratko kako sam radila:
Pileće batke na kratko i na naglo zapeći u tavi da bi meso zadržalo svoju sočnost.
Pripremite povrće.
Očistite i narežite luk, češnjak, papriku i rajčicu.
Povrće malo prodinstajte da omekša i propasirajte da se odvoje kožice.
Kad završite pasiranje dobit ćete fini gusti i kremasti umak.
Pileće batke dinstati tako dugo dok ne omekšaju.
Meso sam prije pripremanja nasolila i začinila sa začinima za piletinu (kupljeni, gotovi začin).
Stavila sam još lovorov list i listiće peršina.
Omekšale pileće batke preliti sa umakom od povrća.
Ja ovo jelo obožavam.
Lagano je, nije teško za probavu.
I zdravo je naravno.
Kao prilog može biti krumpir (pomfri, pire),
riža, kuhano povrće ili neki drugi prilog koji volite.
February 16, 2021, 7:16am
Hello @renata1 ,
Thank you for sharing this recipe and these photos photos with us, the meal looks very delicious!
Is this a traditional and widely popular dish in your country, or it’s an improvisation that you’ve created?
Is there a special occasion on which you prepare this meal, or whenever you feel like?
Have you ever tried to replace the chicken by another meat, like turkey or duck?
February 16, 2021, 6:07pm
Hvala Vam na komentaru @BorrisS
Drago mi je da Vam se jelo sviđa i da Vam izgleda ukusno.
Ne nije improvizacija to je originalno jelo.
Ne treba biti neka posebna prilika, to pripremam obično vikendom.
Kad je vani toplo, u proljeće i ljeti, piletinu pripremam vani u dvorištu u jednom velikom tanjuru. Mi to zovemo kotlovina.
Na taj način pripremam i svinjetinu.
Iskreno, patku uopće ne volim jesti, a puretinu tako-tako.
@BorrisS da li Vi volite jesti piletinu?
Na koji način najviše volite jesti?
Koja vrsta mesa je vaš favorit?
February 16, 2021, 6:25pm
Molim Vas
da napišete svoje komentare.
Jedete li pileće batke?
Kako ih sve pripremate?
Jako sam znatiželjna kako se piletina priprema u Africi i Aziji?
Koja vrsta mesa je Vaš favorit?
Pozdrav, Renata
I love chicken drumstick alot. It is the only part of the chicken where the meat is much.
Last year Christmas, I ate alot of chicken drumstick and whole chicken. Now I am sated with chicken, I am more into pork meat now @renata1
Chicken can be boiled, roasted, grilled or fried. I like roasted Chicken drumstick the most.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful post with us here on connect.
Best regards
Yummy @renata1
I love drumsticks, I rarely eat chicken though. Do ask what I love to eat.
Nice post, I am proud of you, Renata @renata1
Keep going.
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February 17, 2021, 4:21am
@Austinelewex Hvala Vam na komentaru i na lajkovima.
Hvala na vašoj susretljivosti i ljubaznosti jer uvijek odgovorite na moju objavu.
Lijepi pozdrav i Vama iz Varaždina.
Znači sad se “bacamo” na svinjetinu??
@renata1 Thanks for sharing the recipe, it looks delicious.
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February 17, 2021, 6:17am
Thank you for the details @renata1 , highly appreciated!
I love all kind of meat, when it’s nicely prepared. However, I guess chicken is the most common one in different meals around the world.
Growing up in Morocco , chicken, beef and lamb were the most used meat! Here is an article that I wrote about some Moroccan dishes, hope you will like it!
February 17, 2021, 2:47pm
Što voliš jesti @Ewaade_3A ??
Zaista si ponosna na mene?
Hvala ti, puno ti hvala
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Ahahah! Sure, I am.
I love snail, lamb (mutton), beef , Crocker fish and Cat fish @renata1
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February 21, 2021, 8:14pm
Hvala Vam na komentaru @jayasimha78
Da, jelo je jako ukusno
Interesting dish @renata1 . I don’t normally eat drumsticks unless there’s a barbeque going on! I would be tempted to give this a try although I would probably add some fresh chilies to spice it up a little: I like spicy food, not too spicy that it’s uncomfortable but just a slight bit of a kick!
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February 25, 2021, 8:47pm
Hvala Vam na komentaru @AdrianLunsong
Veseli me to što Vam je jelo zanimljivo.
Isprobajte ga!!
Da, i ja ponekad stavim malo, mrvicu čilija.
Ali zaista malo da ne bude preljuto.
@renata1 Excuse me for late reply. Your recipe is really simple and tasty. I rarely prepare chicken with vegetables, usually I fry or stew pork with chopped bell peppers, onions, carrots and tomatoes. I like the taste of vegetable pieces. But anyways bell peppers make any meat much more tasty, chicken also. I like bell peppers in any dish.
What concerns chicken, I fry, bake or stew it plain or with sour cream or mayonnaise. My son likes cutlets from chicken.
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Hvala Vam na komentaru i hvala što ste pročitala moju objavu @OlgaKlimchik .
Drago mi je da Vam se jelo sviđa.
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@renata1 I don’t believe someone is able not to like it. Stewed chicken is so soft and tender. And vegetables give it additional beauty.
Do you use much species? I use little species usually.
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Slažem se s Vama Olga @OlgaKlimchik
Piletina je tako lagana i nježna, pa tko joj uopće može odoljeti?
@OlgaKlimchik za dobar i zanimljiv komentar nikad nije kasno
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