Perplexing unit for View Count of a List

I was going through my lists in the Google Maps App and came across a view count I couldn’t make sense of. In the below screenshot, I have marked the view count in Blue with a black arrow.

It says: “1.2T views”. What does the T represent?

Would greatly appreciate if anyone could shed some light on this, Thank you!



The numbers of view shows your list is featured on Google maps and it’s viewed by 1.2 thousands people. @justinjoshy

Now it is visible to publically in update tab on Google maps app.


Hi, @justinjoshy

T means Thousands.

I remember that through a similar query sometime back.


Hello @justinjoshy Here T means thousand

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Thank you Naresh, C_T and Hussain

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Hi @justinjoshy ,

Welcome back to Connect! I am glad to see you already received answers from our fellows members. The other unities of measure are as follow:

T: 1 Thousand is 1.000

L: 1 Lakh is 100.000 (Used in India)

M: 1 Million = 1.000.000

C: 1 Crore is 10.000.000 (Used in India)


Hi @Giu_DiB I was thinking that K would be used as a more widely accepted symbol for 1000. Thank you for the confirmation.

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That is so amazing, I had a moment like this from a post and hopefully it is all helpful.

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But 1,000 is denoted as ‘K’?

How can you say ‘t’ views