Permanently Closed issue (post need to be moved, i guess)

Hello all,

I have since a long time problems with my old reviews on places that are marked as permanently closed.

I cant see my review from a closed place.
If i go on an account from a friend i can see my own old review.

Why is it that we cant see our own reviews on closed places?
Is it a bug?



Hi @De_Rouck_Sidney , how are you?
It’s a long time we don’t talk, I hope you are doing well.
A few questions for you:

  • Can you see the review on your profile? If so, can you share some link for us to check?
  • In addition: Is this happening on Mobile or desktop computer?
  • If you check your profile in Incognito mode, using the same device where you have the issue, are you able to see your reviews?
  • Can you share with us the Operating System and the version of the App you are using?

This may help the team to troubleshoot your issue

Waw hey @ErmesT,
Indeed it has been a real long time.
Happy to hear ur still here :grinning:
They finaly fixed the dissapearing review problem i saw. Fantastic!

I send now for a smaller issue.
To give more information:
I was at a pizzeria… and i told the boss from the new pizzeria on the same place i had been on that location before for a pizza… so he asked me how it was. So i said i go search back in time in my reviews but i cant find it.

  • only pictures stay (lucky for me i have a pizzeria list i have visited) but i could not found the text i wrote… but anyway when we saw the picture… no more words was needed haha
  • Can you see the review on your profile? If so, can you share some link for us to check?
  • the review is for me completely invisible. (Only picture is visible)
  • when i log in in private of not logged in or even other account. The text is visible and the picture.
  • so this means its only the person from the review that cant see its own posted review on a permant closed place. Only the picture is visible for that person.
  • In addition: Is this happening on Mobile or desktop computer?
  • both its account related problem. U can check on you account to to comfirm. On the permantent closed place u wont be able to see your review (if you are logged in with ur account)
  • If you check your profile in Incognito mode, using the same device where you have the issue, are you able to see your reviews?
  • i can see it when i am not logged in.
  • i cant see it when i am logged in. (Only picture when logged in)
  • Can you share with us the Operating System and the version of the App you are using?
  • last updated. Il check for u. But i have the problem for at least 6 months.

I hope its more clear. :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot @De_Rouck_Sidney
Happy that the old issue was finally fixed :+1:
Can you add a link of the place and a link to the review? You can get it when not logged in.
In this way it will be easier and faster to escalate and to check the issue.

Hey @ErmesT ,

We are talking about all ‘permantent closed’ places.
Not 1 in particular.
I can give u a name of a place but i think it wont help much cause the problem is not with the place but with the tag ‘permanent closed’


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Hey @ErmesT u got enough information for the staff?

Nope, but I will escalate it in any case. Having a link to a specific POI and a specific review will help to troubleshoot it, @De_Rouck_Sidney

Hello @ErmesT

Here one of the places.
But i have like 20 of 30 places like this.
Like i said all permantent closed places, reviews are hiden for the poster of the review on the place. Others can see the review the posted dont see.
So normaly u can see this on your account too on a permanent closed place. If this is the case ist a worldwide problem.
Merry x-mas btw :slight_smile:

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Hey @ErmesT is this good?

Yes, this is perfect, @De_Rouck_Sidney, and sorry for the late reply.
I’ve been able to see your review.
Thanks a lot


@De_Rouck_Sidney , I just noticed that your post is in Google Maps contribution stories - Local Guides Connect.
I want to inform you that I just changed your label to Google Maps tips & tricks - Local Guides Connect, where it fits better

Hello @De_Rouck_Sidney,

Thank you for sharing this issue with us. Please be advised that I have escalated it further.

@MoniDi @ErmesT
Is there some new yet about the fix?


Not yet. I will get back to you once I know more.

Hi @De_Rouck_Sidney,

Upon further investigation, the team concluded that the reviews for closed POIs won’t show up under the profile page. It is working as intended.