Waw hey @ErmesT,
Indeed it has been a real long time.
Happy to hear ur still here
They finaly fixed the dissapearing review problem i saw. Fantastic!
I send now for a smaller issue.
To give more information:
I was at a pizzeria… and i told the boss from the new pizzeria on the same place i had been on that location before for a pizza… so he asked me how it was. So i said i go search back in time in my reviews but i cant find it.
only pictures stay (lucky for me i have a pizzeria list i have visited) but i could not found the text i wrote… but anyway when we saw the picture… no more words was needed haha
Can you see the review on your profile? If so, can you share some link for us to check?
the review is for me completely invisible. (Only picture is visible)
when i log in in private of not logged in or even other account. The text is visible and the picture.
so this means its only the person from the review that cant see its own posted review on a permant closed place. Only the picture is visible for that person.
In addition: Is this happening on Mobile or desktop computer?
both its account related problem. U can check on you account to to comfirm. On the permantent closed place u wont be able to see your review (if you are logged in with ur account)
If you check your profile in Incognito mode, using the same device where you have the issue, are you able to see your reviews?
i can see it when i am not logged in.
i cant see it when i am logged in. (Only picture when logged in)
Can you share with us the Operating System and the version of the App you are using?
last updated. Il check for u. But i have the problem for at least 6 months.
Thanks a lot @De_Rouck_Sidney
Happy that the old issue was finally fixed
Can you add a link of the place and a link to the review? You can get it when not logged in.
In this way it will be easier and faster to escalate and to check the issue.
We are talking about all ‘permantent closed’ places.
Not 1 in particular.
I can give u a name of a place but i think it wont help much cause the problem is not with the place but with the tag ‘permanent closed’
Here one of the places.
But i have like 20 of 30 places like this.
Like i said all permantent closed places, reviews are hiden for the poster of the review on the place. Others can see the review the posted dont see.
So normaly u can see this on your account too on a permanent closed place. If this is the case ist a worldwide problem.
Merry x-mas btw