Pedestrian avenue wrong address

Ocklynge Avenue, BN21 2QD, does not show up correctly on Google Maps. it is a pedestrian avenue. when someone asks for an address say 5 Ocklynge Avenue, it shows a photo of 5 Ocklynge Road. How can I get the longitude, latitude, street address and related photos to be correct?


This is definitely interesting @johnservente

In Fact when I search for 5 Ocklynge Ave. this is what I see

This one should be the right position

Please read Report an error on the map for more details about how to proceed, depending of the device you are using.

Best option on Desktop is to use “Your opinion about Maps” as you can add a screenshot and explain what’s wrong in there

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They are both incorrect. I filed another suggestion/comment with the correct plus codes. Ocklynge Avenue is pedestrian and I don’t believe Google Maps captured it. I lived in Venice, Italy for some years and I saw the Google person walking around with the strange headgear on capturing the calle so that one could do “street view”. I don’t believe they have done this with this pedestrian walkway. I have difficulty understanding who is the authority on latitude/longitude to address lookup. Similarly with plus codes to address and vice versa. And then Google must keep indexed tables for the photos and street view. These errors drive delivery people spare.

Thanks for your suggestions.

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You are welcome @johnservente

I live close to Venice, and also time by time I do some Street View by myself on pedestrians walkway, as you may see here below. There is some issue with the connections, but it is interesting.

Also, very soon it will be possible to create a blue line with a smartphone, as you can read here.

Unfortunately sometimes it may happen (it happen in Venice, as the narrow streets are confusing the GPS position) so reporting the issue seems to be the better way to proceed

A small tip for you: when you reply, please use @ to tag the person you are responding to. It will make it easy to interact

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