Papaya is a good nutritious fruit !!!

Dear connect community stalwarts,

This is my weekly conversation with you and my topic is about a

Caption : this Papaya fruit is from my mini garden and Samsung Galaxy smartphone has been used for photography.

miracle fruit–Papaya ,a high level of Antioxidant fruit that contains Vitamin A ,B and C .

Diet in high Antioxidants may reduce the risk of heart disease ,because it reduces the Cholesterol level.

So these are benefits of eating Papaya on daily basis.

Thanks for reading :books: my post.


After reading so many posts of yours @ShekharMuz_5 i must say you have a good knowledge of fruits and vegetables , i would like to tell you that papaya is so common dish in India , thanks and have a nice day :blush:

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Thanks @Mukul_Anand for your compliment. For a healthy life , fruits and vegetables play an important role, so I am focusing on this fact with connect community members. Life is a one time password ,enjoy it with healthy food habits :yum: .