Palm Springs is one of those places that has such a magic even amazong the desert Enviroment, Totally recommended to visit.
BEAUTIFUL ARCHITECTURE , BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, Nice Restaurants and the Best the Landscapes of Palm Trees and the Mountains in the Morning and Sunset time.
Marilyn Monroe Forever Museum is located 3 minutes from downtown, theres PARKING FOR FREE 20 MINUTES ALLOWED next to the SIDEWALK.
Elvis Presley is Located in 1350 Ladera Cir Palm Springs, CA, You can drive straight to the house there´s tours available check out in internet.
At mornings between October Thru March you can Go for a morning run, or biking, or hiking (things that Palm Springs Residents love to do). Dont forget to wear proper Shows For hiking BOOTS, for running Tennis Shows, a Cap and Water and Salty Snacks.