One & Only Food Love - Homemade Delicious Kolkata Style Biryani

Do you ever tasted something that feels like heaven in your mouth ?

Well, Biryani is just that. Whether it is Lucknow Awadhi Style or Hydrabadi or South Indian Malabar Style or Kolkata or even any other place in India, Biryani is that only food which keeps us connected. The process of making Biryani is quite long but still the more I write about this food, the more it makes me hungry.

Well, the pictures below are not ordered from any restaurant. It’s mom’s made and she made the Biryani at home with immense love and it was the most delectable dish I had ever ate something in my life. Such explosion of flavors of Saffron, Indian Spices, Meat, Egg and Potato (used only in Kolkata Style) and Basmati Rice all these give rise to these mixture, to whole another level of flavorsome joy and happiness ! :heart:


Thank you @Adrija_97 for sharing this with us. Your photos have made me hungry :drooling_face: .

If anyone thinks about Kolkata, definitely Biryani comes in mind!. Once the situation is normal, I will eat the famous street foods in our city again. Just waiting for those days!

Have a great day!


@Adrija_97 biriyani looks amazing!! Must be delicious too…Thanks for sharing

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@PritishB thank you for letting me know this, I will check that asap ! :blush:


@Adrija_97 কোলকাতা গেলে তিপু সুলতান মসজিদের পাশে বিরিয়ানি খাওয়া লাগেই আমার । না হলে যেন কিছু মিস গেল মনে হয়

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