one of the oldest Buddhist cave in Mumbai, Maharashtra. (Mahakali Cave)

The suburbs of Mumbai hide several groups of unique monuments ancient rock-cut temples. One such monument is the ancient Kondivite Caves, later known as Mahakali caves. Mahakali caves are 19 rock-cut caves, built between the 1st century BC and 6th century AD. They are cut in black basalt. Unfortunately, the caves are on the verge of collapse.


@Harshad21 Nice photography.

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Is this cave maintained by Archeological Department?

@Harshad21 Thanks for sharing this! It looks like an interesting place to visit! Is the area quite big, what other things are there to see and how much time would it take to see everything?

Also, a couple of tips for your post:

  • You don’t need to duplicate the text for the caption on your photo. They should be different since you can use the caption to explain about the photo specifically e.g. “This is the front view of the site and the first thing that you will see when you come here. There are arches/pillars cut into the rock forming entrances into various rooms/chambers.”

    Captions are also used by folks with visual impairment to help them understand what your photo is about. So if you’re not sure what to write for the caption, think about how you would describe the photo to someone who can’t see it.

  • Do a link to Google Maps for the places you’re sharing with us all. And you can also take the opportunity to share your review of the place too. This is, after all, a forum for Local Guides :blush:

Anyway, I hope these tips will help you to make an immersive experience for the community!

Thank you sir for your valuable tips :crossed_fingers:

Thank you :grin:

Yess, it’s maintain by ASI