One of the Best school in Kolkata: United missionary girls' high school

One of the Best school in Kolkata :United Missionary Girls’ High school…it established in 1832…one of the old school In Kolkata…the school surrounded with lots of beautiful trees and fields too…class rooms r big and airy…very Neat and clean school… government aided Christian minority school… teachers and staffs are very polite, professional… students get good guidance from here…not only education also students learn lots of extra carricular activities as well…the relationship between teachers and students are very respectful and friendly…


Thank you so much @Moumita15 for sharing about this school. School is a temple of learning.

Can you please share about :wheelchair: wheelchair accessibility status of this school? Like is there wheelchair accessible ramp, wheelchair accessible toilet in the school?

Have a great day!


@PritishB sir don’t know whether that facilities is available or not…I think they don’t have… Rather than that all medical facilities r available here…


Hi @Moumita15

Nice story and photography of a school…

Thank you very much for sharing with us…


@MuntahaH thank u so much for liking my post…

Hlw my dear friend @Moumita15

How are you? I like Kolkata… I visited there more than 10 times in my life , your showing school photography is so pretty!

Thanks for sharing with us my Dear ⚘ :green_heart: :hugs: :star_struck:

Have a beautiful day ⚘ :green_heart:


@MAHBUB_HYDER thank u so much sir for liking my post…I’m absolutely fine sir…take care of your health and please visit kolkata again…

Thank you @Moumita15 .

আমি স্যার নই :sweat_smile: :speak_no_evil:
হুইলচেয়ার এক্সেসিবিলিটি বিষয়টি সব বিষয়ের মতন একটি সাধারণ ব্যাপারই হওয়া উচিত। আমাদের সকলের মধ্যেই এ ব্যাপারে সচেতনতার অভাব রয়েছে। কারণ বিশেষভাবে সক্ষম মানুষদের জন্য সুযোগ সুবিধা গুলি অন্য মানুষের মতনই নরম্যাল হওয়া উচিত। কেউ যদি ছোটবেলা থেকে শারীরিক ভাবে বিশেষভাবে সক্ষম হয়, তাকে কখনোই আলাদা স্কুলে না পাঠিয়ে সকলের সাথে একইসাথে পড়াশোনার সুযোগ দেওয়া উচিত, যেটা আমাদের এখানে খুব কম ক্ষেত্রেই হয়।

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@PritishB I text you before that I really don’t know whether they have or not…this is a gov aided school…yes whatever you say is right…as I don’t know you, as a curtsy I told u “sir” but ok from now I will call u Pritish…thank u so much again…

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I like the greenery in schools, this is a good way to teach the young students on the importance of greenery on the living environment. Thanks for sharing beautiful pictures of the school @Moumita15

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@fasi6083 thanks for liking my post…

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@Moumita15 , I have seen and visited this school before and participated in a program related to health education for the students for general awareness and delivered a lecture to the students. Thank you very much for remembering!


@Santanuk thanks a lot…