Omelette Brocoli

This is holiday, and suddenly bed becomes our best friend. But, anyhow we have to have breakfast. This is a simple breakfast, and you can have it in less than 30 minutes. Let’s have it :).


3 eggs

1 head of broccoli

4 cloves of onion

taste salt

2 spoons cooking oil

How to cook omelette:

  • slice onions

  • stir the eggs well, put salt sufficiently

  • put slices onions into stirred eggs

  • put cooking oli then fry stirred eggs until it reach golden color

  • fold it in a half to get pretty shape

How to prepare boiled broccoli:

*clean broccoli in water flow

*cut broccoli stalks

*cut of broccoli small branch

*clean the head of broccoli, beware of leaf caterpillar

*boil broccoli for 5 minutes or when the water already boiling

  • turn off the stove, keep broccoli in boiling water for 5 minutes. It still boil broccoli.


*Put omelette and broccoli into a wide plate.

*Eat it with a cup of coffee

Do you have different way to cook a meal like this? Let shares it in comment below…


Waduh, kalau saya, sih, lebih memilih si brokoli saya goreng dengan tepung, lalu dicocol ke saus sambal botolan dan ditambahkan seporsi nasi putih, Bu @Marianis . Kurang kenyang kalau cuma disantap dengan kopi. Hahaa… :smile:

Hello @Marianis ,

Thank you for sharing this photo and the recipe with us, the breakfast looks very delicious!

Personally, I never had an omelette with brocoli on the side. However, I like very much omelette with ham or cheese. Did you try it?

I am going to move your post to the Food & Drink section on Connect, the place where Local Guides share about things they like to eat and drink.

Thank you, Boris, for helping me. Well, did I post this not in “Food and Drink”? Whaps sorry for that, maybe I posted in Local Stories :smiling_face:.