new to the community and have one question!

in my city not too much contribution, I went out today to reach the places are very welcoming the local guides

I made more recent photos and update some dates and reviews and it was a pleasure for me and as well Google reward me as well the deserved points, and I am very happy about that.

first I want to mention and remind you we should aware of the permission to take photos because every local has different rules- I did my tour today in Egypt (red sea).

actually, I have got some more questions during and after the posting and publishing photos on the map!

question number one is there any recommendation for coordinating or geotagging the photos or it’s prohibited with the maps and local guide activity.

here are some of the photos I capture today.


Hello @opt2in I hope you are well. In regards of your question, you can activate your location on your device and your photos will automatically get the geografical position on Google Maps.


thank you, Beatriz.

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Hello @opt2in

I appreciate your query seeking clarification regarding which photos we should upload to Maps.

There are detailed guidelines in Maps user-contributed content policies. Trust you must have gone through those.

These policies specify what is prohibited and restricted content in format-specific criteria.

And there are some useful articles on the help desk.

Here is a link to those.

  1. What photos should I share on Google Maps? (19/09/2019)


  3. How to Upload Great Photos to Google Maps

Still, you may not get any specific clues on whether to retain geo-tagging or not.

Uploading pics through Google Photos is the most preferred way to contribute.

Further, Maps and Google photos work in perfect harmony.

Here, geo-tagging helps Google photos to determine the place of capture and make the right suggestion.

That helps in avoiding errors like “Not a photo or video of the place”.

Believe that clarifies your query.


Thank you C_T.

Hello @opt2in ,

Welcome to Connect!

Thank you for reaching out!

Since this is your first post, please take some time to read the following articles which will help you in the Community: How to choose a topic for your Connect post and 14 helpful tips for using Connect.

You can always introduce yourself and get to know other Local Guides via our monthly topic Introduce Yourself - February 2021.

I am going to move your post to the How-tos section, the place where Local Guides ask questions related to Connect and Google Maps.

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@BorrisS thank you for the help.

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