New interface: Info Cards on Google Maps Web

Hello all,

Every time Google has something new to make us happy a little bit more.

This time Google enabled info cards on Google Maps Web like what we had on Google Maps App.

When you hover the cursor on a place, the system shows an info card contains Name and Photos of the place, it’s rating and review numbers, the category and working hours. It also has buttons for getting directions and saving the location.

Personally I prefer this new interface because it is more clear and easy to read which is based on new material design.

What do you think?


Great catch @Amiran

I love the new interface, that finally can makes happy also the desktop users.

Desktop users are frequently suffering for not having all the option that you can find on the App, so this improvement is for sure a good news. Hope to have more “good news” like that one


Yes dear @ErmesT , this makes the desktop version more similar to the app version what is also the goal of Google (and the need of today world) to have all same features on all kinds of devices.


@Amiran You catch a nice interface as @ErmesT said. Sooner I will check it. Its true that it will make desktop users happy…

Keep exploring…

Happy Guiding!


Thanks bro @ShafiulB , Yes it is a nice update. I hope Google continues to such little update because although these are small but causes maps not to be boring and helps us to have a better feeling while using the map.


Great catch @Amiran .

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Thank you dear @MadanKPradhan , Nice sample :raised_hands:t2: