Motorized Wheelchairs at the IGI Airport in Delhi

The Delhi Airport Terminal 3 exceeded my expectations about accessibility and I was pleasingly surprised to see the new electric wheelchair service.

I was here last week when relocating to Pune and noticed that the usual ramps and leveled entrances were the norms.

Also, there were tactile paths for the visually impaired which are commonplace all over Delhi.

Additionally, there is a new motorized wheelchair service.

After interacting with some of the differently-abled users of the service, I found that motorized wheelchair has put to rest all apprehensions about the reduced mobility at the airport.

I noted that the drop-off area itself had a marked space for the differently-abled to deboard.

There was a kiosk immediately next to the drop-off area for availing of the motorized wheelchairs.

As seen in the inset in the above photo, the operation of the motorized wheelchair was via a joystick and the operator too had an ergonomic hand-rest to operate the controls. There is a platform for the operator to stand at the back of the chair and an adjustable footrest for the user.

My Impressions

The IGI airport in Delhi with all state-of-the-art features for the differently-abled along with this brand new service has left no stone unturned to make the travel experience of those with limited mobility an enjoyable one.

Tushar_Suradkar_0-1596075880486.pngAccessibility Features

Here’s a snapshot:

:wheelchair: :heavy_check_mark: Ramp Access.
:wheelchair: :heavy_check_mark: A wheelchair-accessible Entrance.
:wheelchair: :heavy_check_mark: A wheelchair-accessible Parking.
:wheelchair: :heavy_check_mark: A wheelchair-accessible Restroom/Toilet.



Thanks for sharing it, earlier it was not there, they must started recently it will help. many People is it. Private service do we have to pay some thing.

my last visit was 2018,October .

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Yes, that’s correct. It was not there until last month, so it seems a recent addition.

Yes, it is a paid service. Fortunately, drinking water and washrooms in Indian airports are still free.

Now I have relocated to Pune.

I think most of the servicing sector (now a days) want to make a accessible zone.

Drawing an icon of accessibility ( :wheelchair: ) on way or road is always draw an attention.

Thank you @TusharSuradkar for posting.


What a great informative post. Very useful. Thank you @TusharSuradkar for sharing.

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Agree with you @KalyanPal

Marking accessible zone is a welcome gesture.

Hope there is accessibility awareness everywhere.

Thank you, dear, @Rohan10

The :wheelchair: accessibility status of Delhi airport is really ideal, which I think all the sectors should try to follow. I really liked the Motorized wheelchair.

Thanks @TusharSuradkar for sharing about the accessibility status of the airport of the Capital of India.

Stay safe and happy.

Waiting for more from you.


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It’s really necessary for handicap person

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Thank you @PritishB

They claim to be providing this service at all airports and hopefully extend it to other places like railway stations as well.

Yes @mohanghyar this idea has arrived quite late at such important places where the distance to be covered on foot is vast.

Hi @TusharSuradkar first of all I would like to thank for the informative post. I am happy to know that IGI airport has started the very helpful service for the special needed persons. Secondly, I would like to give you many, many loves because you took pictures and collected information on the way to relocating Pune . I think this gene exists in the local guides to collect information for the people to help them, so I am not surprised that you have taken information during your busy schedule and I also have done these so many times.

Now I would like to know is the motorized wheel chair service free or is it pay service?

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Thank you @TravelerProdipta for the appreciation.

This service is paid.

They claim to have started it at most airports in India but I did not find it at the Pune airport or perhaps simply missed it since it could be expected to serve passengers checking in.

I follow your work about accessibility closely and greatly admire the innovative artwork.

Hope you allow others to imitate that :blush:

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Thanks for your words @TusharSuradkar

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Good work for you @TusharSuradkar

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Thank you @Sophia_Cambodia for taking note :blush:

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** @TusharSuradkar **

छान उपक्रम आहे, दिल्ली एअरपोर्ट चे अभिनंदन…

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धन्यवाद @Shrut19 ताई :blush:

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