Mohakhali Kacha Bazar

Mohakhali Kacha Bazar ( market for for fish, meat, vegetables, grocery and fruits) it is one of the oldest Bazar among the Dhaka city. Probably it’s started in between 1945-1947. From the outset it was tin shade grocery shop, and vegetables and fish market was under open sky. In 1985-86 Dhaka city corporation acquired it and development it multistoried market building. From the outset it was market for 4000- 5000 people but now it’s one of the big Bazar of Dhaka City. Now a days it can’t fullfil of local people’s demand Bcoz of huge population growth. And now in the area situated 4 more small Bazar. But Mohakhali Kacha Bazar is the best for the area. Fresh fish,meat ( beef, mutton chicken) and fruits available here every day up 7 am to 10 pm.