Mie Koclok

Mie Koclok is one of the foods that originate from West Java - Indonesia, especially from the city of Cirebon. Mie Koclok is made from noodles which are served with several toppings such as eggs, vegetables, meatballs, and gravel, then doused with a very tasty thick sauce that comes from coconut milk. The taste of Mie Kocol is delicious, tasty because it comes from coconut milk, and nutritious because in one serving of Mie Koclok there are various ingredients, as in the photo below. How? so many ingredients, right? So if you visit West Java - Indonesia, don’t forget to try Mie Koclok ya ? Here you can find the delicious Mie Koclok: https://maps.app.goo.gl/jDwfoZ72uoaAfSLp6



Hi @dnfazri

Thanks for joining #CommunityFoodFightChallenge .

Just like the requirement of this challenge , please add the Google Maps link of this place where you enjoyed the delicious Mie Koclok, so that our fellow Local Guides could get the recommendation place to have a good food like you :smile:

Wow… I’m drooling now! I like Mie Kocok from Bandung, but this is my first time hearing about Mie Koclok. I definitely will try it if I visit Cirebon. Noodle with coconut milk sounds so much good :yum:

Yeayy @dnfazri

Mie koclok slurp yummy , by the way where the sauce,where the sambal ,where is the rice hahaha

Seriously for my self I’ll put sambal or sauce and then koclok .

Thank you for sharing delicious meal

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I have added the link maps, my favorite Mie Koclok Kak @Velvel .

Yes sure, if you visit Cirebon you must try it ka hehhehehe


OMG teh @Nyainurjanah , it’s noodle… I think is enough with the toping in Mie Koclok without rice. wkwkkwkwk

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Could you please check the link again @dnfazri ?

When I opened the link, it was said “Invalid Dynamic Link”.

Ah I’m so sorry Ka @Velvel , I have added new link.

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Thank you @dnfazri

It is added to my “want to go” list whenever I visit your place :grinning:

Indonesia githu loh @dnfazri , everything need rice heheh

Hayuk @Nyainurjanah ke Kuningan sekalian, kutraktir sop dengkil deh

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Berangkatkan mas @br14n hayukkkk ha ha ha

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