Hi @Anonymous_3fb7238dc6267bed424e2adee00a2132
Thank you for sharing this with us. You can host your own meet-ups by planning it here.
Also have a look at this post How to Organize a Local Guides Meet-Up which gives you helpful ideas on the types of activities you can plan and some guidance and tips for helping you organize a successful event for yourself and the Local Guides in your area!
Since you are new in the community, I recommend you read this topic it suggests the various ways to engage as a part of the community.
I will change your topic label to meet-ups topic. Here, you’ll find out about meet-ups hosted by Local Guides like you. A meet-up is an informal get-together with other Local Guides in your area. It’s a way for Local Guides to explore their cities, make new friends, and try new places.
Share a link to your meet-up page to encourage other Local Guides to join or write a post recapping one you’ve already hosted-along with some great photos.