Meeting the Whale sharks at Gorontalo, Indonesia

Hi everyone…

Hope all is well and as the end of the year is coming, I wish everyone is safe, happy and healthy.

Before the end of 2021, I would like to share one of the highlights of my underwater journey in 2021.

For now, I will share some photos first from my trip to Gorontalo, one of the provinces in the northern part of Sulawesi or Celebes island in Indonesia. I took 3-day diving trips there with some friends from Corona Diving Club, in which I am the member since 2012. Of all the 9 dives we did, one of my favorites is when we had an encounter with whale sharks.

The place I visited is called Botubarani and it took us around 40 minutes to reach the area from the city center. Whale sharks have been frequently seen here and that is the main reason why we came here.

Before I share more details of the trip, enjoy some of the photos I took during the diving trip with the whale sharks as well as some of my photos, taken by my local dive master/dive buddy.

So, now you can see why this trip is indeed unforgettable for me.
I am tagging my dear #LGSeals team @ravindus and @kasunaaa as well as @JoniG

Will be back with more details of my 3-day diving adventures and cheers!

Wishing you all a brilliant 2022!


Woooow!!! @indahnuria

It’s so beautiful!

I wish you a happy new year :grinning:

Thanks for tagging me :diving_mask::merperson::male_sign:

I would love diving in Indonesia one day :pray:


Hello @indahnuria thanks for the beautiful pictures; and wishes for the new year, 2022. May yours also be as brilliant!

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No soy buso pero me encantaría pero me encantaría poder vivir una experiencia así un día.


Woow its beautiful and very adventurous also taking under water photos. All the pictures look beautiful @indahnuria .

Thanks for sharing

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Ohh La La Laaa… !!! WoW that magnificent creature :heart_eyes:

Thank you for sharing this wonderful experience @indahnuria …!!!

Gorontalo, I’ll come one day.



@indahnuria I was amazed when you post those videos on social media of the encounter with this giant creature. As a diver, I cant wait to see one in my own eyes. Thank you for sharing your amazing experience with us


@indahnuria amazing photos and experience. Thank you for sharing. I always want to do some diving at that level. Only done some scuba diving so far.


+_+ you’re really brave to swim near the whale , by the way very beautiful and class picture but sharks look so dangerous @indahnuria but I love them but also afraid :joy:


Happy New Year mbak @indahnuria warm regards from Jakarta :indonesia: miss you already :kissing_heart: .

Wow that’s great experience :star_struck:, just realize that gorontalo has amazing creatures whale sharks :shark: and “Salvador Dali” :smiley: . Thank you for sharing.


Thank you @JoniG … it was a great diving trip indeed and I really love it! Come and dive in Indonesia when things get better, Joni. You will definitely enjoy it!

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Wow @indahnuria how you do it? Diving, underwater photography, meeting with beautiful marine creatures. I must say you , @ravindus and my Canadian friend ( :smiley: ) @kasunaaa always surprised me with some new underwater adventure. I m so impressed by your adventure and especially the photographs :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

Thanks for sharing Indah :heart_eyes:


La la la téh @indahnuria @ let’s sing karaoke together under the sea !

Baby shark du du du . . .

Mommy sharks du du du . . .

You met real sharks.Awesome !


Hi @Jereld … thank you the new year’s wishes! All the very best for you too and happy to know you enjoy the adventures

Dear @indahnuria , love your pictures thanks for sharing :pray:t2: :pray:t2:


Amazing adventure @indahnuria ! I’m not a ‘water’ person, so I admire everyone who dives, especially with sharks! :star_struck:

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Your pictures are beautyful and are useful because people care more about well known things.So those animals,that ocean,your country and your people are amazing us and many others who wish you the best.

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First of all I would like to congratulate you @indahnuria for the awesome underwater photos and secondly if you don’t mind, I would like to know which camera did you use to capture the awesome underwater photos? Thank you for the post from India.

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Happy to know you enjoy it @MonaShoja … thanks and cheers…

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Thank you so much @IamJoseFelixAranda and you are right, you will love more the things that you know or are familiar with. Cheers,