Meet Accessibility Champion, Santosh Kumar

Local Guide Santosh Kumar ( @Kumaarsantosh ) is passionate about mapping wheelchair accessibility. He believes that the Local Guides program is a great platform to give back to society and help build “a well-informed community” together with other Google Maps contributors.

Having worked at multinational IT companies for over two decades, Santosh Kumar is now taking a break from the corporate world to pursue his love for photography, travel, cycling, and mentoring. You’ll see him explore places in and around Noida, India, where he currently lives, and anywhere his curiosity takes him!

Read on to learn more about how he contributes to accessibility on Google Maps.

Why are you interested in accessibility? Is there a particular area in which you are interested the most?

Accessibility is a vital element of our society. It adds to the quality of life of people with disabilities and older persons. It also gives comfort to their family members.

I mostly focus on wheelchair accessibility. I look for the wheelchair :wheelchair: icon around a place and go inside to check the facilities. Sometimes, the icon is missing, but there is a ramp and an elevator, which provide accessibility.

What inspired you to start contributing accessibility information on Google Maps?

When I look around my neighborhood, I see a number of people with disabilities and older persons. They use Google Maps, so I thought I could help keep them well-informed about nearby places through my contributions. It gives me satisfaction when I update wheelchair accessibility information on Google Maps because someone somewhere is benefitting from that. I feel that this is one of the best ways to help society.

How do you help make accessibility information more visible on Google Maps?

There are many ways through which I do that, such as:

  • Edit the features of a place to update the accessibility information.
  • Answer accessibility-related questions for a specific business when prompted.
  • Include details about the :wheelchair: accessibility of a place when I write a review. I mention the availability of ramps, elevators, accessible parking :parking: , and restrooms :wc: .

Do you have a favorite accessibility contribution? Why is it your favorite?

I have many favorite contributions, but one of them got me the Accessibility Challenge Winner badge. It is a review for BlueStone Jewellery in Noida.

Some Local Guides may think that looking for accessibility features and including that information in a review takes a lot of time. What is your experience?

Finding accessibility is quite easy and definitely not time-consuming.

Here is what I do. I visit a place with an open mind. Nowadays, wheelchair accessibility :wheelchair: icons are prominently displayed, so I just look for them at the right places, such as the entrance gate, the parking area, the restrooms, the elevator, and so on. I also look for ramps.

It is no extra effort to find accessibility; we can proceed with our plans while simply looking around to capture accessibility information. Even if this adds a couple of minutes, it is worth doing. We have such a lovely opportunity to help our communities by including 1-2 lines of accessibility details in our reviews on Google Maps. It is even easier to update accessibility information via the ‘Edit feature’ function in the About tab of a business listing on Maps.

What’s your tip for finding your passion through the Local Guides program?

The program encourages us to explore a variety of aspects of our society — be it education, hospitality, travel, food, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and entertainment — and capture as much information as possible on Google Maps. It has also ignited my passion for 360-degree photography.

Although I only joined Connect in March 2023, six years after becoming a Local Guide, I find it is a great learning platform where you can also showcase your contributor talent. I love to help people with my knowledge and experience, so I answer queries and write posts about new features or changes to existing features I find in Google Maps.

And, on top of that, you become part of a global family on Connect. I would like to mention a few Local Guides who have influenced my contributions here: @ErmesT , @AdamGT , @MortenCopenhagen , @TusharSuradkar , @SholaIB , and @TravellerG .

Thank you for all you do, Santosh Kumar! Local Guides, do you include accessibility information in your contributions on Google Maps? Let us know below.


Congratulations Santosh Kumar. My best wishes to you friend.

@Ivi_Ge Thank you for sharing the story with us.


Congratulations on achieving this prestigious award, dear @Kumaarsantosh :bouquet:

I have been closely following your outstanding and impressive contributions towards accessibility over the months.

This is inspiring to all local guides :+1:


Congratulations @Kumaarsantosh for achieving this great achievement and all the best.

Thanks @Ivi_Ge for this highlight.


Congratulations, @Kumaarsantosh , non only for this amazing acknowledgement, but also for your continuos support to the other members of the community.

My mom was in a wheelchair for the last part of her life, and in that moment I really started to appreciate all the [unfortunately few, at that time] information available in Google Maps. Now Maps, thanks to Local guides like you, is much more inclusive, and this is extremely important for a lot of people .with limited mobility, so, thank you so much for what you are doing.

Thanks a lot @Ivi_Ge for this important post


Thank you @Ivi_Ge

Congratulations @Kumaarsantosh I knew you were a genius and would be highlighted sooner or later. This is well worthwhile. Thank you for all you do on Google maps and for your participation on TRAC as well .

Happy guiding



@user_not_found Kumar congratulations


My heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to @Kumaarsantosh .I am extremely happy for you.



Congrats dear @Kumaarsantosh thanks for sharing with us @Ivi_Ge


Happy to see it dear @Kumaarsantosh . Very clear explanation from your end really initiates and triggered me to focus on this area hereafterwards. Our mentors @TravellerG @TusharSuradkar are always there to guide us.

Thanks @Ivi_Ge


Congratulations@Kumaarsantosh :partying_face: :tada:

Thank you @Ivi_Ge for sharing this announcement.


Congratulations @Kumaarsantosh for this great achievement. Glad to see the work that you’re doing to improve accessibility awareness.

Thank you @Ivi_Ge for this amazing post.


Well there is the man, @Kumaarsantosh and a BIG congratulations on being featured. It’s great to learn more about you Santosh and thank you for sharing more about your passions including mapping wheelchair accessibility, photography, 360-degree photography, travel, cycling, and mentoring!


@Ivi_Ge que gran publicacion, @Kumaarsantosh felicidades por esta mención muy importante para la comunidad.


Huge congrats, @Kumaarsantosh

Thanks for always being so helpful.




Hello my dear friend, @Kumaarsantosh

Super Excellent! Congratulations!!

Extremely happy to see that you have achieved this very prestigious designation - sincerely, proud of you.

Prayers for more achievements and success.

Hello, dear Googler @Ivi_Ge , for most of my explorations/reviews, I try to provide all possible Accessibility Features with :wheelchair: , :parking: , :wc: , :older_man: ‍:probing_cane:, etc

Icons - I have made it a habit.

Thank you very much for mentioning me in your post - this shows your greatness and kindness.

Regards with prayers

:raised_hands: :pray:


congratulation @Kumaarsantosh for being featured here , you contribution towards accessibility is amazing and helpful , it bring many new and updated information on google map , thank you for your Contribution .

thank you @Ivi_Ge for sharing this post with us .


Congratulations :confetti_ball: :clap: :bouquet: @Kumaarsantosh

True efforts never go in drain.

Keep contributing.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful news with all of us @Ivi_Ge




Congratulations Santosh Kumar.


@Kuumarsantosh muchas felicidades y gracias! Todos necesitamos mejores accesos :wheelchair: :+1:t2: :woman_singer: :woman_singer: :woman_singer: :woman_singer: :woman_singer: