Maps voice incorrect

  • How do I submit corrections for incorrect map voice? For example, on main highway in Ft Worth, voice and map says sharp left on straightaway where there is no turn. Thank you

Hi @JustMe2

You can send feedback in the app.

Please see How to send feedback in Google Maps

Or you can provide feedback about the incorrect navigation step using a desktop computer.

This link will explain how to do so.

Cue up directions so the faulty step will show up.

Then select Send feedback which is found at the bottom of the map (not the left panel).

Then click on the flag by the faulty navigation step.

Then select Problem type. Then you can add some notes. Make sure to mention if it is related to audio only.

Use the notes to explain in apparent detail what the problem is. Please specify the exact GPS coordinates where relevant. Also, include deep links to Google Streetview if applicable. The more clear details, the better.

It can take 2-3 weeks before changes show on the map. Google will not notify you about the result. Just check the map once a week or so.



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