Makassar SARABBA drink in Jayapura

In Jayapura, many Sarabba drinks are sold. Actually Sarabba is a typical drink of Makassar, South Sulawesi, but because there are many migrants from Makassar in Jayapura, it is not surprising that Sarabba is sold in Jayapura.

This drink is similar to ginger in Central Java. It’s just the difference, Sarabba uses a mixture of palm sugar and coconut milk which makes it thicker. The tempting aroma of aroma directly hits the nose when Sarabba is present in front of you. It feels a bit spicy on the tongue, but warm on the stomach. Making sarabba begins by boiling water together with palm sugar according to the measurement, the water is then stirred so that the palm sugar melts quickly and is mixed evenly, so that it is usually easier for the palm sugar to be crushed before being put in the pan. Meanwhile, the ginger is washed clean and bruised in a manner so that the content of ginger easily blends with sugar and water. Continue boiling until we are sure the ginger juice has come out and mixed well with sugar water. Add coconut milk and stir gently so that the coconut milk does not break until it really boils. Add a little pepper, eggs and milk to add a distinctive taste of Sarabba. Remove and strain, serve while still hot. Sarabba works best along with fried bananas, sweet potatoes or other types of fried food.

Di Jayapura banyak dijual minuman Sarabba. Sebenarnya Sarabba adalah minuman khas Makassar Sulawesi Selatan akan tetapi karena di Jayapura banyak pendatang dari makassar maka tidak heran banyak dijual Sarabba di Jayapura.

Minuman ini mirip dengan wedang jahe di Jawa tengah. Hanya saja bedanya, Sarabba menggunakan campuran gula aren dan santan yang membuatnya lebih kental. Aroma wangi yang menggoda langsung menyergap hidung begitu Sarabba hadir di depan Anda. Rasanya agak pedas di lidah, namun hangat di lambung. Pembuatan sarabba dimulai dengan merebus air bersamaan dengan gula aren sesuai takaran, air lalu diaduk agar gula arennya cepat meleleh dan bercampur rata, agar lebih mudah biasanya gula arennya telah dihancurkan terlebih dahulu sebelum dimasukkan di dalam panci.

Sementara itu jahe dicuci bersih dan di memarkan dengan cara di pukul-pukul agar kandungan jahe mudah membaur bersama gula dan air. Lanjutkan perebusan hingga kita sudah yakin sari-sari jahe telah keluar dan bercampur rata dengan air gula. Masukkan santan lalu aduk perlahan agar santannya tidak pecah sampai benar-benar mendidih. Tambahkan sedikit merica, telur dan susu untuk menambah cita rasa khas Sarabba. Angkat lalu saring, sajikan saat masih panas. Sarabba paling paling pas bersama bersama dengan pisang goreng, ubi atau gorengan jenis lainnya.


Halo @Wisnusetiono ,

Terima kasih sudah berbagi minuman khas tradisional Indonesia! Kalau di dengar dari bahan-bahannya yang menggunakan campuran gula aren dan santan, sepertinya sudah pasti enak, apalagi ditambah jahe!


Of course mbak @AngieYC , kalau mbak lihat di fotonya, ada kuning bulatan di dalam minuman sarabba, itu telur mentah yang dimasukkan. Konon itu untuk jamu kuat. Harga kalau pakai telur Rp, 20.000

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thank you @Ayeshashimu , if you look at the picture, there is a yellow circle in the sarabba drink, that’s the raw egg that was put in It is said that it is for strong herbal medicine. The price for using eggs is Rp. 20,000

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thank you @pradipgadekar07 , if you look at the picture, there is a yellow circle in the sarabba drink, that’s the raw egg that was put in It is said that it is for strong herbal medicine. The price for using eggs is Rp. 20,000

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thank you @Emon_Dhungana , if you look at the picture, there is a yellow circle in the sarabba drink, that’s the raw egg that was put in It is said that it is for strong herbal medicine. The price for using eggs is Rp. 20,000


thank you @user_not_found , if you look at the picture, there is a yellow circle in the sarabba drink, that’s the raw egg that was put in It is said that it is for strong herbal medicine. The price for using eggs is Rp. 20,000

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thank you @MAHBUB_HYDER , if you look at the picture, there is a yellow circle in the sarabba drink, that’s the raw egg that was put in It is said that it is for strong herbal medicine. The price for using eggs is Rp. 20,000

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thank you @Robert24 , if you look at the picture, there is a yellow circle in the sarabba drink, that’s the raw egg that was put in It is said that it is for strong herbal medicine. The price for using eggs is Rp. 20,000


Halo @Wisnusetiono ,

Oh iya, saya baru sadar. Apakah tidak amis dicampur dengan kuning telur?

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terima kasih mbak @AngieYC , saya baru tahu. Saya juga mencontoh beberapa teman, mbak. saya akan perbaiki


rasanya suegerr mbak @AngieYC


Thank you @Wisnusetiono


Hi @Wisnusetiono

Thank you very much for introducing us a fantastic drinks namely " SARABBA ". I think that will definitely good drinks for us!

How frequently do you drink it?

II wish if we have drink this SARABBA with you ??!!!:star_struck::star_struck: :blue_heart: :green_heart:


ok, let’s drink SARABBA together @MAHBUB_HYDER

thank you @MukulR ,You haven’t read my article in a long time :grin:

thank you @Elegantjoy

thank you @RAHULPLAZHY

terima kasih mbak @marwahns25 , kalau ke makassar atau papua silakan dicari minuman ini

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thank you @kuntadi

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