Lovely farm you need to visit in Bursa, Turkey

I found this farm by mistake when I was going to a famous farm following the road signs but I end up in this beautiful farm with the most kindest owner ever so I decided to add this farm on Google maps.

farm location:

مزرعه و حديقة الكستنه المشويه
Derekızık, Unnamed Road, 16450 Kestel/Bursa, Turkey


@MemSoor @The photos are amazingly beautiful and colorful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi @MemSoor ,

Really nice visit,

The fruits in the fourth picture, also grow in my native place in India in some regions only. I have also eaten these. Very sweet. :yum:

Also your photography is very nice :ok_hand:

Very nice pics you have captured.

I wish everyone should visit minimum one farm, so that we will get knowledge and smile on face. And also farmers will get happy. :blush:

As I am also a Agriculture student, thank you for visiting farms.

Have a good day…

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@Wei929 thank you so much :heart_eyes: :pray:t2:

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@Tejasghagroha Thank you for your reply, I really love the taste of the white berries and yeah farmers are so kind and generous people. I love visiting and joining local people.

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Hi @MemSoor ,

Thank you for sharing this lovely farm with us. I have been many times in Bursa but I have never seen a farm. What kind of fruits or vegetables you can find there? Could you share more details about the surroundings?

I would like to recommend you to read this article How to improve your nature photography in order to improve even more your photography.



Thank you so much for your comment and surely I will check that article

you really need to visit farms there in Bursa, I’ve tried mostly all fruits such as all berries kind blue,red,and white. Also, we tried strawberry, orange, apple and many things. That area full of farms and all are the same.

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Thank you for your response @MemSoor . I will take into account your suggestions and I will find some farms to visit when I go next time to Bursa. I believe that it will be great to explore new places. :slightly_smiling_face:

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