Nobody turned up for the event, maybe because of lack of awareness or out of sheer laziness as it was holiday on 2nd October. So I started alone, I was able to map 10 public toilets of which 4 didn’t allowed me to click photos and were very rude to me.
The condition of some of the toilets was so bad that one could not stand there forget about answering nature’s call there. While some were well kept and clean. So it’s all balanced here in Vapi.
I personally think Swach Bharat Mission is more about behaviour change and initiative which currently we Indians are lacking to some extent. I request fellow Indians to do their bit and try to make India clean.
congratulation @PriyankaU for your first ever meetup. this is the great spirit that even after no oe turned, you continue to do the meetup solo like “one man army”.
You did it… even without participants you did it… sometimes people will not join for several reasons. I also had few meetups earlier like this. Last year I traveled 200km to make a meetup and finally, no one was there. I did a solo Photowalk and took many 360’s - virtual tours. when you free check this RECAP
Thanks for sharing your first RECAP with us. hope you will come up with more meetups in future. all the best
That’s the basic need for every human , people there shouldn’t be rude, because you are working for betterment for your country.
Wish you good luck for your next Meet up and I hope next time you will have some more people who concern about the basic needs like clean toilets in country.
Congrats on your first Local Guides Meetup and the very first in your city @PriyankaU ! Don’t get deterred with zero turnout. It takes time to build a active Local Guides Community.
Two of our Local Guides Meetup Living Legends, @IlankovanT (50 meetups strong) and @MahabubMunna (95 meetups and counting) can share their early meetup stories. Hopefully, provide you (and the rest of us here in the Local Guides Connect Community) with a few of their successful Local Guides Meetup Organizing Tips. Plus, you get to meet both of them at Connect Live. Corner them and pick their brains.
Congratulations for starting a meet-up about a so important subject.
Congratulations for completing it, even if alone. Don’t worry, every one of us have experience of a “one person meet-up”. You can ask @IlankovanT , or @TorM , as I know that had a recent experience
Congratulations for taking time in sharing your experience with all the community.
Never give up, is the first rule of an Local Guide. BRAVO!!!
@PriyankaU , yes! @ErmesT is totally right. Even in towns like Kraków (Poland) or Munich (Germany) I have had „One Man Meet Ups“ but this will not change my minde to organize new… .
Tomorrow we will have a Meet Up in a small town and as well that for sure only two Local Guides will come ( @barrazacarlos and myself) I have invited other people I know from there. Now we will show them how funny it is, so they can join the program
Intersting Topic of your recap. I first thought it is a joke, but than understood. Congratulation!
@TorM@ErmesT@KarenVChin@vvbellur@KashifMisidia Thank you everyone for your encouraging words. You guys are amazing. Thank you soo much it means alot to me. I am surely going to organise more meet ups here in Vapi. I’ll be meeting most of you at Connectlive, looking forward to it.