The other day I was on Instagram when I had the idea to write you a post to share my discoveries with you. I’ve been on social media for several years now and I love discovering new accounts. I realized that a lot of Local Guides around the world were present on social media and some of them were following me.
The best way to easily find local guides is to use #localguides and tag @googlemaps on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
So, I started to follow them back and we exchange regularly in DM. If you want more tips for improving your Local Guides social media (get more followers, more engagement…), let me know in the comments and I’ll write a post for you.
It is so awesome to have Local Guides friends from all over the world.
I travel while staying at home, LOL.
I try to post regularly on social media things about my small life as a Local Guide Level 8. I am more active on Instagram and Twitter because I love these 2 social networks.
And you, are you also on social networks?
What do you think if we follow each other on Instagram? We could trade in DM.
If you want, join me, I am waiting for you: @davidterronpla
Tell me in the comments what are your favorite social networks?
See you soon